Most of us have summer jobs by now, I know I do, but sometimes it's not to not only make your usual paycheck but also a little extra spending money too. I have been trying to save money for the future but it's nice to have a little extra spending money during the summer, especially for adventures, bathing suits and ice cream!
1. House Sitting
This is honestly one of the easiest ways to make money and it's so easy. You basically get paid to live, which is necessary anyways.
2. Pet Sitting
Sometimes this goes along with house sitting and it's pretty easy and super cute. If I could get paid to pet and take care of pups everyday I would do it.
3. Open a Savings Account
Okay, so technically this isn't exactly making money, but it's definitely key in saving money. If your paycheck each week is going into a checking account that you are constantly taking money out of you're probably losing money in the long run. Whereas with a savings account, you can have a little spending money in your checking and a lot more in your savings that you aren't spending on that shirt you just have to have...
4. Move Home For a Little While
This also is kind of a cheat way of "making money", but moving home frees up bill paying and money that you might be spending each month on groceries, electricity, and rent.
5. Advertise Your Talents
Most towns have an online community posting site where people post jobs or list their skill sets in case anyone needs them. Maybe you are really good at cleaning houses or make jewelry in your spare time. You can communicate with your community's members and maybe make some extra cash!