Being in college is so much harder than it was in high school, you have less time in the morning less money to spend and no food to eat. Yet some girls in college manage to pull off a full face of make-up, perfectly curled hair, clean and pressed clothes all while drinking Starbucks. There are girls like me who want to look nice but also love to sleep in till the last minute possibly before getting ready for the day. Finally there are the girls who roll out of bed and go to class not caring what or how they look.
Doing my hair always takes the longest for me to do because I never know how to do it. If I'm running out of time my hair is even worse cause i put out my go to hair style. Now here are some easy and cute hairstyles for the lazy but also trying college girl.
1) High or Low Ponytail (messy or clean)
2) Braids (double, single,cornrow,underneath....)
3)Top knot (all up or half up)
4) Straight
5) Your natural hair
Finding quick and easy hairstyles for everyday can be hard and time consuming, but with the right outfit any style will work. The main thing for picking a style is that your happy and comfortable with it.