1.Egg Hunts
After those teen years, your mom probably gives up hiding eggs in obvious places. Now you’re probably stuck hiding eggs for your little cousins, wishing they were for you. Who doesn’t want to search the yard for candy and a few quarters.
2. Baskets
Easter baskets when we were kids were the BOMB, filled with all types of goodies, usually featuring toys and chocolates. Now, your mom probably fills them with practical things like gift cards for gas and coffee. You might even be more excited about those than the goodies
3. Food
When you were a child you probably didn’t eat too much other than the candy. Now you load up on everything and by the time dessert even rolls around you’re probably fast asleep on the couch.
4. Outfits
You no longer get your outfit picked out for you, so instead you stress out over what’s “appropriate” for family functions. This leads to your mom vetoing at least three outfits.
5. Family Time
Seeing distant family means one thing; never ending questions you don’t want to answer. How’s school? Do you have a job yet? What about a boyfriend? Have you been going to the gym? What’s your life plan? Yeah, keep those mimosas coming.