Beware the Freshmen 15, this is a concern for most college students and the campus dining hall only adds to these fears. Want my advice? Try smaller portions and make it yourself!! On a budget and have a lack of time? Have no fear, these 5 recipes require minimal ingredients and minimal time! You could make them during a study break!
1. 2-Minute French Toast in A Cup
French toast may be one of the greatest breakfast foods ever and it also makes for one of the most filling snacks ever! It's a bit messy and somewhat of an adventure to make normally though and lets face it, weekends are mostly filled with school recovery, studying, minimal socializing and most important to all college kids-- sleep!
What if I told you there was an easier and shorter way?! I'll pause for an audible gasp here. I only speak the truth though! Here's what you need to know.
What You'll Need:
- A few cups
- 1 or 2 slices of bread
- Butter (I'd recommend a tbsp of butter, but it's up to you)
- ½ or 1 large egg (Depends on the size of your cup)
- 3 Tbsp of Milk
- A sprinkle of cinnamon
- 1 drop of Vanilla extract (Optional, if you like it sweet and vanilla-y)
- First, take a slice or two of bread, it doesn't matter what kind of bread you use. Whichever you have on hand or prefer. Slice the bread into cubes. Prepare the cup or cups, butter the inside of them. You can rub a pad of butter or melt butter and slosh it around. I prefer to slosh butter around but it's really up to you!
- Place the bread in the cup, either a slice or slice and a half. Smoosh it down a little but don't compact it because you want it to soak in the liquid.
- In a separate cup crack an egg into it, add 3 tablespoons of milk, sprinkle some cinnamon and add a drop of vanilla, if you want a sweeter or vanilla-y taste. Mix of all this together with a fork.
- Pour the mixture into your cup with the bread and butter, give it a minute to soak in then stick the cup in the microwave. Start with one minute then add ten seconds at a time until it's cooked to your liking.
- Once it's done to your liking, add syrup or butter and enjoy! Yum!
2. (Skinny) Brownie in a mug
Remember those Freshmen 15 we talked about? Craving something sweet and chocolate-y, try this instead of the hot brownie you might get at the store or in the dining hall!
What you'll need:
- 2 tbsp. wholewheat flour
- 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
- pinch of baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. vanilla
- 3 tbsp. plain yogurt
- In a microwave safe bowl or coffee mug, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa, and baking powder. Add in the yogurt and vanilla and stir until smooth. Microwave for about 1 minute. Depending on your gooey preference, you may need to microwave it longer or shorter. Maybe try adding 10 seconds if you like it less gooey or subtracting 10 seconds if you like it gooier.
That's it!! Tell me that's not simple and feasible in your hectic college life!
3. Vanilla Yogurt and
Berry Parfait
Short on time in the mornings? Looking for something delicious and healthy in the mornings? Then I recommend this recipe shared by Rebecca on Food with the! This is a parfait recipe that will have you all set with breakfast for a week!!
Prep Time 10 minutes: Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 6 parfaits
What you'll need:
For Six Parfaits:- 1 container Greek or regular Vanilla Yogurt 32 ounce
- 1 1/2 cups frozen mixed berries unsweetened
- 6 jelly jars with lids or dessert bowls 8 ounce
- up to 1/2 cup granola or Grape Nuts for each parfait.
- Spoon about 1/4 cup into the bottom of each of the 6 jelly jars or dessert bowls. Over each of those, spoon about 2 tablespoons of frozen mixed berries. Press the berries lightly into the yogurt. Top with another 1/4 cup of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of berries and then divide the remaining yogurt between the jars over the berries. Cover tightly and refrigerate for up to a week.
To Serve:
- Remove the lid from the parfait and sprinkle a little granola or some Grape Nuts over the top of the parfait. While eating, sprinkle with granola or Grape Nuts as often as preferred.
4. Caffe Cocoa Mocha
Almost everybody in college loves coffee, in fact they become dependent on it. How else are you going to get through those all-night, last-minute study sessions! (I relied on soda in college but that was just me!)
This recipe will help you cope when you can't get to your favorite coffee joint. It's quick, easy and adds flavor to that bland coffee you'd make yourself normally!
What You'll Need:
- 2 packets hot chocolate mix
- 1 packet instant coffee (For you Starbucks lovers, the author of this recipe used: Starbucks Via, mocha flavor)
- 2 cups milk
- Pour instant chocolate mix and half of the coffee mix into a microwave safe mug, and repeat.
- In a separate microwave safe bowl or mug, microwave the milk for 2 minutes.
- Pour about half the milk into both cups and stir vigorously with a spoon until the powder dissolves. Distribute the rest of the milk between the two cups and enjoy.
Single-Serving Chocolate Microwave Muffin
Mmm, chocolate. Chocolate is definitely one of the world's biggest and most delicious sins. It's hard to eat chocolate healthily, especially in the college setting. It's so much easier to use your school points and cash on that favorite chocolate bar in the campus convenience store. Trust me, I did it too! However, maybe looking for the healthier alternative is smarter and who knows, it may end up cheaper!
Try this recipe by Jessica on Desserts with!
What you'll need:
- 1 tbs Ground Flaxseed
- ⅓ cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
- ¼ cup Unsweetened Applesauce
- 4 packets Natural Sweetener (stevia, Truvia, etc.)
- ⅛ tsp Salt
- 15g (3 tbs) Unsweetened Natural Cocoa Powder
- 45g (6 tbs) Oat Flour
- 1 tsp Double-Acting Baking Powder
Personally, I recommend buying a thing of natural peanut butter and using that instead, just for ease but you can try making it yourself if you want to do the extra work!
- 3 tbs Peanut Flour
- 2 packets Natural Sweetener (stevia, Truvia, etc.)
- 2 tbs Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
For the muffin:
- Spray a 5″ baking dish with cooking spray
- In a medium-sized bowl, stir together the flax, almond milk, applesauce, sweetener, and salt.
- Stir in the cocoa powder, then stir in the oat flour.
- Last, stir in the baking powder. Scoop batter into the prepared baking dish and microwave for about 4 minutes + 30 seconds, or until surface springs back when
For the muffin:
- In a small bowl, whisk together all the ingredients until smooth.
There you have it, 5 amazing recipes for the dorm life. Isn't the microwave a wondrous invention!? Let me know how you like these recipes!!
Also, if your interested in making your own granola bars, try this recipe!! It's perfect for college students. :)