Between school work, actual work, extracurriculars, family, and friends, many college students are stressed out to the max! It is important to take a step back and do something for yourself, so hopefully these five de-stressing techniques will make your week a little less overwhelming!
1. Put your phone down
Take at least 30 minutes of complete silence. This time can be used for homework or simply laying down, but keep technology far away! There is always a lot going on whether it be in social media, group text messages, or email, and it can be very overwhelming when you have a lot of tasks to complete! Give yourself those few minutes to recharge and escape the anxiety.
2. Listen to music
For me, country music seems to do the trick! It makes me happy, relaxed, and motivated! Find the genre that does that for you and listen for as long as you need!
3. Treat yourself
Take a bath. Eat a piece of Chocolate. Go to the spa! There are many ways to take a little time for just you, and you should take advantage of it! This can be used as a time to block out anything causing the stress, and you can focus on your own happiness and relaxation.
4. Remember everything happens one day at a time
The serenity prayer is a great way to remember that we should not get too far ahead of ourselves "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace."
Even if you do not practice religion, this prayer is a good reminder and teaches us all something very important about life: Do not give up, and focus on one problem at a time.
5. Wake up and go to bed earlier
Many say that you wake up feeling more motivated if you give yourself more time in the morning to get what you need to get done. Keep this in mind if you find yourself struggling to meet important deadlines. It is still important to get your full 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so make sure you go to bed earlier to avoid becoming overtired.