5 Reasons Everyone Needs To See 'Crazy Rich Asians' | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons To Race To See 'Crazy Rich Asians,' If You Haven't Already

This movie is my latest obsession, and should be yours too.

kids at a movie theater
Photo by Katy Dulany

Recently (AKA last night), I watched my new favorite movie: "Crazy Rich Asians." I had wanted to see it from the first moment I saw the trailer, and my anticipation only grew as person after person told me it was really good. So, my friends and I planned a movie trip and got situated with all the buttery popcorn, candy, and pure excitement. Sometimes, when you look forward to something so much you're probably going to be let down—this was not one of those times. If you haven't seen this movie, stop reading this and go watch it. And if you have, well join the club of the luckiest individuals.

So, I might be a little obsessed with this movie. And here's why:

1. It makes you want to hop on a plane and go to Singapore right now 


I've never been to Asia, but have always wanted to go and this movie just solidified that fact. Obviously, it was showing the richest of the rich in Asia but even despite that, the whole movie was a delicious flavor of Asian culture. From the loudness and vibrant market scenes to the extravagant buildings and beautiful dresses, it shows the beauty and uniqueness of Asian culture. It portrays Asia, specifically Singapore as a beautiful and diverse land and I left the theater wanting to drive straight to the airport. I mean look at that skyline.

2. Um… have you seen the people in this movie? 

Okay, forget your Channing Tatum's and your Natalie Portman's because I have six words for you: Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Gemma Chan. These are some of the most beautiful people in the world. It's literally unfair how gorgeous they are. I have so many new girl crushes that my heart can't even take it. And their fashion? I don't even have words for how in love I am with Rachel Chu's wardrobe in this movie. Gahhhh.

And, don't even get me started on the soundtrack for this movie. There are upbeat hits and there are no words in this planet to describe Kina Grannis' "Can't Help Falling in Love." Oh my Lord. I'm actually listening to the soundtrack right now and it's just full of amazing songs and fits all of my moods. 10/10 recommend.

3. The plot 

So, it may seem like I'm just obsessed with this movie on the surface level, but I cried in this movie. There were multiple scenes where my heart just couldn't take it. Yes, there were lovey-dovey scenes and if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about (that airplane scene and when he opens the box ohhhhhhh my ), but also there's a beautiful story between the main character Rachel and her mother. Sitting in the theater, I actually cried so hard missing my own mom. There were layers to the story, things you didn't see coming, and just the cutest love story in the world.

4. That wedding 

I'm not going to even try to put into words how beautiful that entire wedding scene was. Like, if my wedding does not have the river filling the aisle when I'm walking down it, with a beautiful scene made around me, did my wedding even happen? Just go watch the movie. That's all I can say.

5. Asian Pride 

I was so blessed to go to this movie with five of the greatest people in the world, who just happen to be from Asia. And it was a pure joy to leave the movie and see my friends from Korea, Indonesia, and Vietnam be overflowing with excitement. Everyone I went with loved this movie, but those friends' smiles were just the best part. They were celebrated and represented in a way that they could be proud of and should be proud of. And seeing that was the best part of the whole experience.

So, as you can tell, I slightly liked this movie. But moral of the story: go see it. It's okay if you don't like it as much as I did, but it's a good movie that deserves to be seen.

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