When I packed my bags the day before I made my 314 mile trek from western New Jersey to Northern Vermont, it did not quite hit me that I was not coming home for quite a while. Even the night before move-in, when I had take out dinner with my mom in the Motel 6 bed watching HGTV, I forgot that these moments would have to wait for breaks to happen again. Then move-in day came and it was like starting a whole new life. From meeting my three lovely roommates to going on a cruise around Lake Champlain, the first day did not allow me to process my new situation. On the third day of living in a dorm, classes started and, to calm my nerves, I got the desire to paint. Only then did I realize I was not home, I did not have everything from my house, and thus I would have to make due. My suitcase was only so big and my dorm lacked the many storage alcoves of my home. So here is a list of what I could not fit in my suitcase.
1. Point Mountain Reservation, NJ
Vermont’s beauty is awe-inspiring. The sunsets over the lake have been some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen; however, the view from Point Mountain Reservation, NJ has provided so many sentimental memories that the views of small towns and farms from the rocky ledge are still my favorite. After a short five-minute hike from the road, the trees clear for a rocky cliff that looks over the nearby valley and far-off mountains. Usually, at sunset, the ledge is packed with photographers, couples, and families alike. Meanwhile, the graffiti on all the rocks only gives it some New Jersey charm. From my first summer at sleep-away camp as a camper to my last year working as a counselor, the little mountain has brought together some of my favorite people.
2. Hot Bagels Abroad
While Vermont has its delicious maple products and satisfying creemees, I just cannot find a bagel place that does an egg and cheese like the local bagel shop back home. It must just be something about the Hudson River water they use to make the bagels. It was almost like a tradition: every Sunday morning my mom would pick up bagels and her boyfriend, her and I would have breakfast while watching one of Netflix’s various HGTV shows to satisfy my addiction. It was also this bagel shop that would be a lifesaver Monday mornings after I went to the gym and forgot to grab breakfast before school. I would kill for a french toast bagel before my Quantitative Language of Business.
3. Target
I cannot fathom why Vermont has a Walmart but no Target. It would be a lie to say I was not a bit addicted to Target and its glorious selections of clothing, journals and food. Walmart just does not offer the same selection or fun to shop in; however, I have gotten used to Price Chopper and the Jo-Ann’s next door.
4. The Jersey Shore
I know most people from out of state do not know much about the Jersey Shore besides Snookie and drunk teens, but besides the locally named “sleaze-side”, the shore is actually good clean fun. I have many memories with friends on one of Jersey’s many shores. I spent the weekend after prom at Point Pleasant with my best friend and her boyfriend. I also spent the week before coming to Champlain College at Wildwood with five of my friends in a condo. At all of these places I did not see a single Guido or Guidette but I have seen beautiful scenery, a slew of interesting people and many stories it is almost impossible to believe.
5. My friends, boyfriend and family.
Before I moved out, I had not really given much thought to the important people in my life. My mom has been a godsend for my whole life. I truly dread the day I get sick and do not have my mom around to offer tea or to simply cheer me up with horror movie marathons. Two of my best friends have started out on their own college adventures at The College of New Jersey and Montclair State University. I envy their ability to get home on weekends, but mostly, I miss Panera dates and manicures. These support systems have been so crucial to me over the years. Yet, somehow, I haven’t truly appreciated just how much they all mean until now, and I am very excited to see them over winter break.
With all this said, I am in love with where I am. I chose the right place when I decided to come to Champlain College. While I am still getting used to Vermont’s quirks and culture, I am finding many things to love. While I may not have the Jersey Shore, I have the lakefront with the quaint little shops and restaurants. I also may not have my friends and family here with me, but I am incredibly lucky with my roommates who are all angels. These three girls that I share a room with have become a huge support in this change of situation. With their help and the new opportunities Champlain College gives me, I look forward to what I can make of the next four years.