For the majority of us, being overly sensitive isn't the issue. The real problem lies in being called overly sensitive like it's a defect or like nothing we say should be taken seriously. What good does it do or purpose does it serve other than stunning and silencing the accused person? Sure, sometimes it might be said out of love or concern, but this is just an exception to the usual trend. The true danger comes when people begin to equate being emotional with being illogical or simply wrong.
Believe it or not, some of the best decisions are born from responding with one's heart rather than mind. Too often, though, others often link an emotional response with mental instability. In most cases, this kind of connection creates more damage in one's self-confidence than others will ever realize.
At least in my experience, not only being overly sensitive but also having others comment on it leads to several insecurities and revelations about oneself, but each is necessary for acceptance.
1. You doubt yourself.
No matter the context, being called overly sensitive rarely feels like anything less than an insult. Maybe I'm not as strong or smart as I thought I was. Maybe there actually is something wrong with me. Most of the time, being called overly sensitive occurs after we disagree with or act emotional in front of others. Some people simply cannot handle either, and pointing out our sensitivity is an easy way to bring us down. Because this kind of statement usually acts as a way to discount one’s response, it is only natural to then question how much weight or reliability our answers truly possess.
2. You hide parts of yourself.
People can only take so much self-doubt before they start trying to fix others' perceptions. For some, censoring ourselves is the easiest though often most painful way to guarantee not being discredited. However, when we censor and disguise ourselves around friends and family, we weaken the bonds. Honestly responding less often also means fewer smiles, conversations and engagements. While some might consider me overly sensitive, others call me unapproachable because of my conscious efforts to avoid the former. When we deny key parts of ourselves, we also cause others to unknowingly miss out on potential memories and important parts of our lives.
3. You pick up on the smallest details.
While it might seem like a high level of perceptiveness is the root of this evil, being able to discern all the little things is actually a blessing in disguise. Part of the struggle in being called overly sensitive is realizing that others are right because of the negative connotations associated with sensitivity, but what if it is a super power instead? After all, those same tone changes and physical quirks would probably not be noticed by the average person. However, for those of us who truly are overly sensitive, we can usually read a person’s behavior as well as we can read a book.
4. You understand people better than they realize.
In addition to others' physical signs, being overly sensitive enables us to catch changes in their mental or emotional states as well. While our responses or bursts of emotion might annoy others at first, they cannot begin to imagine how much we actually leave out to not overwhelm them. Through our silence or attentiveness, that same sensitivity which makes others uncomfortable also shields them from the stress or struggles that we notice early on. Additionally, we can use that sensitivity which others initially judge to prevent their day from getting any worse, and they will probably never realize.
5. You recognize you are different, and that’s OK.
In a society in which being emotional is often viewed the same as being weak, it is hard to admit we might truly be overly sensitive. This article is probably enough to prove that I am, if no one else. However, why does that have to be a bad thing? If I can pick up on all of another’s struggles after he or she just walks into a room, shouldn’t that kind of ability be applauded instead of mocked? No matter what others think, though, it is our own responsibilities to accept that we are different, for only then can we also realize that we are gifted.