A lot of companies are created with the intent to help those who need it most. Many of these companies are not widely known, but do great deeds. These companies sell quality products, and all you have to do is buy from them to help give back!
1. Bombas
Bombas is a sock company that donates one pair of socks to the homeless every time you buy a pair of socks, or article of clothing from them. They've donated over 30 million pairs of socks so far.
2. Toms
Toms is a brand that sells shoes and sunglasses. In the past, Toms has donated one pair of shoes for every pair of shoes bought. In addition to that, Toms will now be donating 1/3 of their profits to different charities.
3. Ivory Ella
Ivory Ella is a company that sells various clothing items. Their main platform is to help save the elephants. Ivory Ella donates 10% of their profits to Save The Elephants, and other charities.
4. Nisolo
With factories in Kenya, Mexico, and Peru, Nisolo is a brand that sells shoes, bags, jewelry, and accessories. With every purchase at Nisolo, a living wage is provided to their factory workers, and a portion of their sales go to charities to help save the environment.
5. Pura Vida
Pura Vida sells bracelets, and other jewelry, and accessories. Their brand has given many jobs to those in impoverished areas, as well as donating almost 2.4 million dollars to multiple charities, through their charity collection.