Okay, so one of the many great things about going to college is living on campus. Unfortunately, not every student can afford to live on campus. That's why most, if not all, colleges allow students to commute to school.
I myself am a commuter and let me tell you, we don't commute because it's fun. Commuting to college is honestly one of the most stressful things in my life. To go alongside commuting in general, there are five things that I guarantee every commuter hates, and you all know you can count on me to be real with you, but first lets get one thing straight:
1. Travel Time
Personally, I live thirty minutes away from my school. Which means I have to wake up an hour earlier than if I lived on campus so that I can shower, get dressed, and drive to school as opposed to rolling out of bed and strolling to class. Commuters have to be ready for all day. Coffee will be your best friend.
2. Late Night Events
You can always count on Virginia Wesleyan College (and probably most other colleges too) to plan late night activities to pump up campus life. This means that there are going to be so many events that don't start until ten o'clock at night the earliest.
You know you want to go, but you have a boatload of homework and a thirty minute drive home at midnight when you have to be back at school early next day. How do you even college?
3. When you aimlessly walking around campus in between classes.
Seriously, where do we go when we have 3 spare hours of nothingness? Need I say more?
You're right, Rory, it's anti-commuting friendly.
4. Spending the night at a friends' dorm.
Ah, the nice hard cold floor with a pillow and a blanket. How else can you end a long day of studying and maybe some other things you shouldn't have been doing? Sometimes you don't even make it to the bedroom.
5. Eating in the cafe.
The food is absolutely horrid and Snooki would have a heart attack if she tried it. So I tend to eat Pop-Tarts and starve until I go home.
But mostly, commuting isn't that bad, it's just a hassle is all. I still love my school.