For some reason, travel has always made me happy, though for some it becomes a very stressful task. I love airports, planes, trains and yes, even automobiles. Travelling has taught me to go with the flow, be ready for anything, and have a backup plan. And airports are a fantastic place to people watch. I always like to see who is there and where they might be going, after all each one of the people below are going somewhere for some reason, same as me.
1. Business Person
The most common person I see at an airport is the business person. Usually, they are on a phone, tablet, or computer - and sometimes they're the one running to catch their flight as they are running late due to their busy schedules. Typically they are dressed in semi formal clothing and always look like they are concentrating on some a business related problem.
2. Pilot/Flight Attendant
Obviously these wonderful people have to be here, it is their job after all. Aside from the business man or woman, they are the most common frequenters of airports. They are almost always walking to their next gate, to get to their next plane, so they can fly us in some form of comfort to the next destination. What would we do without them?
3. College Student
At this time of year, it's time for many college students to head back home from whichever campus they frequent for class. Or the current place is home, this type of person is heading out on an adventure, to an internship, or visiting family somewhere else in the world. Usually relaxed and not in a hurry, they might be willing to talk while at the gate or waiting in line for coffee.
4. Families with varying ages of children
The end of school is also a signal for yearly family vacations to differing locations. Maybe this year it's Disneyland? Most likely it's to see grandma wherever she lives - which could be either exciting or completely boring.
5. World Explorer
This person is catching the next plane to the next exotic location for their next adventure. They are probably the most relaxed in an airport, and know that eventually they will get where they want to go. They also probably have some decent stories to tell.
Of course, there are many other types of people who wander around airports, these are just five common types of travelers to keep an eye out for next time your catching a flight somewhere. Happy travels!