The only thing I've ever been sure of in terms of my future is that I want it to be full of adventure. I've never been passionate about a specific career or had a set plan on how I want my life to turn out, but I did have many goals that I hoped to accomplish and here are a few childhood dreams I won't give up on!
1. Write a book
When I was younger, I hoped to write the next Harry Potter series. Now that I understand how much of an author's life is dedicated to creating complex characters and drafting the perfect version of a novel, I don't think writing a series is for me. I'd love to publish a children's book someday, though!
2. Live in a castle
Sadly, I am not a princess. But who knows? Maybe I'll win the lottery.
3. Fall in love
...with a philanthropic cause, a hobby, another person, etc. I just want to appreciate the world around me.
4. Save the world
This is vague and seemingly impossible, but if I can make a positive difference in just one person's life, my younger self would be proud.
5. Be truly happy
I used to think that happiness came from money and other materialistic possessions. Growing up has taught me that the little things, like someone showing me a song they thought I'd like or even something as simple as petting a dog, are what makes me truly happy.