Every work has difficulties and answering phones is one of them. Have you ever gotten a call and simply thought, how stupid can you possibly be? Well, we've all been there and here are a list of calls that make me laugh and scream.
1. Do you have eggs?
Keep in mind, at the time I was working at a place called "Eggs Up Grill", and this was so beyond crazy that I just wanted to slam my head against the wall. No, we just put it in the name because we like eggs, not because we use them on our menu.
2. Are you open?
If I answered the phone, its not because I was wanting to talk to another human being, but rather because I am getting paid. I don't live at work and answer the phone just for fun.
3. Can you reset my password?
It's not the question but rather the following dialogue. "Sure, what is your information that you have for the account" "It's not safe for me to give you that, no." well, as most of you can already assume I can't reset an account if I don't know who its for or have confirmation that you're the right person.
4. Is this (insert job name here)?
I just greeted you with the name of the business so no, I lied to you and I'm really at the Krusty Krab, would you like a Krabby Patty? I mean honestly, its customer for many businesses to greet you with "Hi this is (job), my name is (_____) how can I help you?" So personally I find the question odd, I mean did you pick a random number to call and hope?
5. The lovely telemarketers
Yes, this can be the most excruciating part, having to listen as they ask for someone and you know that they don't even know who it is, because they ask by title.