5 Books To Reread Now That You Are Older | The Odyssey Online
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5 Books To Reread Now That You Are Older

What will you notice now that you missed the first time?

5 Books To Reread Now That You Are Older

Keeping up with the newest advances in society constantly has us busy. Learning how to use a new phone, how to use a new computer, or anything from banking to ordering a pizza online, might make us forget about the classic things we enjoyed in our youth. After taking some time to explore some of the classic literature most people were exposed to either in their home or in a classroom, I realized the importance of the messages these stories carried and how they apply all throughout life. These five selected texts certainly deserve a reread. See if the messages in these stories are clearer now and if they still apply to your life!

1. "Oh, The Places You’ll Go!" by Dr. Seuss.

"Oh, The Places You’ll Go!" is a classic book children usually are introduced to once they begin reading. There is no question that Dr. Seuss has many classic and beloved children’s books including, but not limited to, "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Cat in the Hat." "Oh, The Places You’ll Go!" deserves a top spot as one of Seuss' best works because the message will ring true throughout a child’s life. There are many wonderful places in this world that deserve to be seen. This book encourages children to tap into their natural curiosity and sense of adventure. This book has also become a popular gift to give to those graduating no matter the level (elementary school, high school, college or university, etc.) for this reason.

2. "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein.

"The Giving Tree" is a timeless novel featuring a boy transitioning into the different stages of life. This book easily deserves a reread because as we advance through the different stages of our lives we will be able to relate more personally to each page of the book. The messages in this book are selflessness and friendship. The boy has a friendship with the giving tree from a young age and they progress through life together. The tree selflessly helps the boy through different stages of life by allowing him to take things, such as apples and branches, for his own use. Doesn’t this sound eerily familiar to a parent and children’s relationship?

3. "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton.

A classic tale of a lovable group of greasers who fight physically against the rich kids, known as the socs, and figuratively against society. This book is often read by students in middle school to teach a plethora of lessons including loss of parents, socioeconomic differences, and violence. This story should absolutely be revisited by readers who probably did not appreciate the complexity of it. "The Outsiders" is written to be understood by younger children, but is a story that can be relatable at any age.

4. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

"The Great Gatsby" is more than just a movie featuring Leonardo DiCaprio. It is usually assigned to students in high school. This book follows Nick, a bondsman who moves to fictional West Egg, and meets Jay Gatsby, a mysterious wealthy man who loves to throw parties. Parts of the book that readers should pay extra attention to while rereading is the valley of ashes scene, the importance of colors throughout the work, and Nick’s commitment to not judging others.

5. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

Lee’s first novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is easily one of America’s most loved novels. This book, which is still deemed controversial in some schools, is usually taught in either middle or high school. "To Kill a Mockingbird" exposes students to the reality of racial intolerance which sadly still exists today. This book was reread by many people over the last few months while readers anticipated the release of Lee’s second book "Go Set a Watchman." Those who reread this book probably noticed the nobility of Atticus Finch, elements of the notorious trail throughout the book, and the importance of Boo Radley as more than just a mysterious character.

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