1. Matthew 6:24-34
College students deal with much stress caused by money, homework, exams, and friends. Even though stress is a common occurrence in the life of the average college student, it isn’t a feeling you should have. Worry is a sin that shows a lack of trust in God and a lack of faith that God is in control of the situation. Instead of giving your anxiety up to God, you are letting the things of this earth run your life. Your heart and mind are caught up in the world rather than God and His grace. When you can’t stop thinking about that big test you have coming up or how you are going to pay for college, you completely remove God from your thoughts. In Matthew, college students are called to trust in God for daily grace. “My grace is sufficient for you,” God says to you (II Corinthians 12:9). He has the power to lift this burden off of your shoulders because He knows EXACTLY what you need for each day. All you need to do is to trust in the One who created you. Once you give it all up to God in prayer, stress will no longer be a problem. Trusting that God’s grace is sufficient is a refreshing perspective on life.
2. Romans 8:38-39
Stuffing your entire life into a few boxes, driving cross country, and living in an unknown city for 9 months is a huge step in your life. You are leaving your family, your friends, and your pets. The only way of contact is through phone calls, Skype, or snail mail, which can all be very unreliable. Even though you feel as if you are separated from everything you ever called home, you aren’t. God is always there with you. Paul writes that nothing can separate you from God’s loving reach. No angels, no demons, no authoritative figure, no amount of miles, nothing can separate you from God. You might be flying thousands of miles across the globe or walking two blocks to come to college, but no matter where you are from, how far away you are from home, or how many miles away from comfort you are, God is always a prayer away.
3. I Timothy 4:8, 12; 6:12
Whether you go to a Christian college or a public university, living a godly life should be at the forefront of your thoughts. Even if “Christian” is in the name of your college, there are many temptations to sin like going out to party with fellow classmates. Slacking off in devotions or skipping church might start to become an epidemic because, “Who cares? I’m already at a Christian college. Everyone already knows I’m a Christian, right?” Wrong. No matter where you are, church, school, with friends at the beach, or in line at the store, you should be shining your light. People are watching you no matter where you are or who you are so how you act is very important. You are called to be an example to those around you in word, deed, and in faith. By living a life wholly dedicated to God, you show where your eyes are directed, not at the things of the world, but at God. This walk along the path of godliness is much more beneficial than any other walk of life because God rewards those who live holy lives. The wicked will never be satisfied because they live for themselves and not God. Being a “good and faithful servant” will leave you satisfied in the only One who can promise contentment, God.
4. II Samuel 22:31-33
It is human tendency to plan ahead. You might have a five-year plan or a two-week plan that seem to be written in stone. Unknown to you, something will come up, jarring your so called plans, making you re-evaluate them. In contrast, God’s plans always happen the way He plans; there is nothing that happens outside of His will. No surprise illnesses or accidents. Nothing. Whatever He has planned for you is perfect. It might not seem like it because it isn’t what you wanted, but He knows what He’s doing. While you are blinded by your earthly needs and desires, He has your truly best interests in mind. Your loving God has great things planned for you, plans you can’t even comprehend. So, don’t worry if yours don’t work out. He has something much better in mind.
5. II Thessalonians 3:16
One final thought for all college students. Peace doesn’t come easy. There are so many things to think about like jobs, friends, and grades that it’s almost impossible to not be stressed. But you need to trust that God will grant you peace each day. The hymn Great is thy Faithfulness says, “Thy mercies are new every morning.” Each and every day is a new beginning, where God overwhelms you with His peace “that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). And this peace isn’t only for the nitty-gritty times. When the passage says, “by all means,” it can also be translated to “in all circumstances.” In stress, in pain, in sorrow, in good times, in bad times, whenever, God will place His peace in your soul. In everything, God will give you peace. There should be a little side note that says, “No matter what.” You might feel like you are at the farthest you can be from God, sucked into the miry clay of your sins and troubles, but God reaches down and pulls you out and into His comforting embrace. You can’t go a day without seeing His loving hand carrying you through whatever you might be dealing with. What an amazing promise!
Go in peace, my fellow college students!