With the start of a new school year, there are always things to expect. For example, the first day of class is usually "Syllabus Day" where you never learn any real information, but just go through the Syllabus (boring). Then, the teachers will want to get to know you in some way. That way usually falls to one dreadful thing: Ice Breakers.
Ice Breakers can be one of the most cringe-worthy moments a student can endure. Ice Breakers are usually found in classrooms, but a lot of times are used in clubs, sports teams, or floor meetings. Most people use the same questions over and over, so Ice Breakers can get boring real fast. However, here are a few Ice Breaker questions that you can use the next time you are getting to know someone:
1. What is your favorite show on Netflix?
This question can go a long ways with people. Almost everyone has Netflix and if they don't they have some TV show that they binge watch. It can be a difficult question, so you can always ask for a top 3 or 5. When you find that you have a show in common, you can start an in-depth conversation about favorite characters, episodes, and plot twists.
2. If you could live in any part of the United States (Northeast, South, Midwest, etc), where would you live? Why?
The answer to this question can tell you a lot about a person. Every area of the country has their own values and culture. When someone chooses to live there, it opens a window to what their own personal values are. This question can also spark conversations about trips they have been on to certain parts of the country.
3. If there was a fire and you could only take one item with you (not including phone or laptop), what would you bring?
This may seem like an overly used question, but you have to pay attention to the "not including phone or laptop". Most people would go right away to what they desire and use the most, their cellphone. What would they bring after that? Something that would really be close to their heart.
4. If you were on a desert island and were only allowed to listen to 5 songs for the rest of your life, what would they be?
I know what you are thinking, this question is very far stretched. However, it can really help you get to know someone. Plus, no one will have the same answer. This is tough, especially for people like me who are awful at making decisions, but just say what first comes to mind. If you have a lot of time, you can go up to 10 songs!
5. What is your dream vacation?
What is your dream vacation? NOT, a dream destination. Most people will say something along the lines of "Oh I would love to go to *insert awesome place*". When you ask someone to describe their dream vacation, you go more in depth. Is your dream vacation a road trip across the country or a hiking trip through Europe? Go into detail!
Hopefully, after reading these questions, you have a better view of Ice Breakers. The next time you have to participate in an Ice Breaker activity or just want to get to know someone, don't make it boring. Try some of these questions to spice up the conversation.