These times could be difficult for many, including the loss of many jobs and careers as a result of the virus, COVID-19. Here are a few ways I have been able to make a little extra cash since I had to leave my job for quarantine.
Sell Clothing on Ebay
During quarantine, I have found myself going through closets and drawers cleaning out clothing I haven't used in a while. Putting yourself out there and selling your clothes is an easy, remote way to make money and recycle the clothes.
Find a Job Working With No-Contact Delivery
Jobs such as Shipped, UberEats, Postmates, etc. are ways to deliver food without needing to come in contact with customers.
Make Work Out Videos For Personal Training ​​
If you are someone who enjoys working out, and knows how to well, create personal training videos where you teach people ways to exercise correctly, and sell them!
Helping Out Neighbors Without Contact
Doing chores such as mowing the lawn, painting houses, or washing cars are good ways to help out and simultaneously make money.
Get Creative and Sell Creations on Etsy
In your free time, making macrame's, jewelry, or art pieces are great ways to keep your creative juices flowing, with the possibility of selling them, too!