Over the past year and a half or so, I have discovered a love for Christian music. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I love going to church. But I love contemporary Christian music even more. When my church started to offer a contemporary service I was ecstatic! FINALLY, we were moving away from the hymns I had been singing for the past 16 years. Not that there is anything wrong with hymns, I just prefer something with a little more spunk.
Anyway, I started to listen to KLOVE and the Christian music on YouTube and absolutely fell in love with it. I think the best thing about it is that it can bring all denominations together. All Christian music is about praising God. It brings us together. And the songs are catchy. I even got my friends to start listening to it. (Disclaimer: I forced them to listen to it, BUT at first they didn't even know it was Christian music!!) I already told you that my favorite song of all was Oceans by Hillsong United, but I wanted to bring 5 more songs to your attention that are awesome.
Recommended for you
1. Eye of the Storm- Ryan Stevenson
"You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm"
This is up there on my favorite lists. I listen to it in the shower, in the car, at night before bed, before church, after church, basically whenever I can. I love the message that God is there through everything. It has such a great beat and it's super catchy.
2. Priceless- for KING & COUNTRY
"No matter what you've heard, this is what your worth more than all the money or the diamonds and pearls"
The best part of this song is his voice. It is so unique and honestly every for King and Country song draws me in because his voice has such a distinct sound. I like how the song challenges us to see our own worth and realize how awesome each one of us is.
3. Blessings- Laura Story
"What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near"
THIS SONG. Wow. The feels. It really brings into perspective how awesome God is and how awesome our world is. Sometimes things will be bad and we'll cry and be sad, but the moral of the story is that God will always be here.
4. This Is Amazing Grace- Phil Wickham
"You lay down Your life that I would be set free. Oh, Jesus, I sing for all that You've done for me"
I don't know why, but this song pumps me up. When I here it I get so excited and sing it at the top of my lungs. I love how Phil Wickham reminds us that Christ died for us and how that in itself is a blessing to us.
5. Diamonds- Hawk Nelson
"Oh the joy of the Lord it will be my strength, when the pressure is on he's making diamonds"
I was lucky enough to see this amazing group in concert. I first heard this song there and was blown away by the talent. I love this song because it shows us how everything God touches is changing to be good. He takes us, however broken and bruised we are, and makes us beautiful.
Those are only a couple of my favorite songs. It was seriously challenging to narrow it down to five. Let me know what some of your favorite Jesus songs are! God Bless!!