Some people seem to know everyone, go to the most events, and get the most likes on social media, simply because they are that person. Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with having a limitless amount of friends, so long as you can differentiate between the real friends who are there for the whole ride and the people who are only there for the good parts. Most of us have an abundance of what Hannah Baker might call "hot chocolate" friends; you know, "good for cold months, but maybe not perfect for all seasons". That's why it's more important to have a handful of true friends than 1,000 mediocre ones.
The following 5 friends are essential to a girl's survival:
Maybe you met this best friend in your elementary home room class, or maybe she asked to sit next to you on the school bus in middle school and offered Cracker Jacks in return. Your childhood bestie knows more about you than anyone else because you experienced practically all of public school and (if you're lucky) college together while sharing wardrobes and makeup all the way. Truthfully, sister is a more appropriate term since she's been on more family vacations with you and your family than you can remember, and she's witnessed all of the guys you've dated and hated, crammed with you during late night study sessions, and walked you through serious relationship and career choices. Her home was basically yours when you were 16, she snuck into your dorm freshman year and lived there all semester, you two still have sleepovers at 25, and in the future, you both will probably end up as nursing home roomies.
2. The guy best friend:
This best friend will be there for you through all of your break-ups, good times, and worries, much like your childhood best friend. You've also known him for 10+ years now. The main difference? He's a guy, and everyone has always mistaken you two for a couple, even before you finally were one. This is the guy who will stand up for you when another person does you wrong and threaten to beat up any guy who breaks your heart, simply because he cares about you that much. This best friend will love you more than you know, simply for being the person that you are, and you'll take advantage of him over and over because he really is that nice guy. Just know you are lucky to have this best friend in your life because he proves not ALL guys are terrible, and you don't even realize how much he takes care of you. If you're lucky enough, this person just might end up the love of your life.
3. The positively happy best friend:
This friend is always smiling. The positively happy best friend comes in several shapes and forms, but I'll talk about two of my favorites. Sometimes, this friend is the happy-go-lucky one who always seems to be on the right track in life; she always seems to make you feel a little more reassured and a lot more grounded after catching up over coffee between your hectic work schedules. On the other hand, the super happy friend could also be the goofy one who always cracks a joke at the right time and makes you laugh (usually uncontrollably) when all you really want to do is cry. Whichever "positive" friend yours may be, one thing is for sure: she always sees the glass half full and won't quit until you do as well. Smiles, hugs, and giggles are this friend's trademark, and maybe someday this will rub off on you so that you can start taking life a little less seriously and a lot more gratefully. Until then, she will catch you before you have a chance to fall.
4. The bluntly honest best friend:
You probably met the bluntly honest best friend in college. Go ahead and try to be dumb without her calling you out on it, but you can't. You can try to hide your emotions when you're upset, but she can read your tone and facial expressions like a book. More often than not, people seriously misjudge your blunt best friend for being mean when all she is being is a realist who wants to see you grow rather than rehashing your usual unproductive cycle. Sometimes, we all need a realist in our lives to stop us from making stupid decisions, tell us when we are wrong, shut us up when we say we look ugly, and make us get off of our lazy bums to better ourselves. Some friends tell you what you want to hear, but your blunt best friend loves you enough to not sugarcoat things. Sure, sometimes she may not say things in the right way which can lead to hurt feelings, but she is blunt because she cares.
5. the long distance best friend:
There are lots of ways to have long distance best friends. Maybe your best friend from grades K-12 went to university out of state, or maybe you were lucky enough to make close friends from all over the world during college (that later had to catch that international flight back home—permanently). The fact that you and your long distance bestie can be miles a part, not talk every single day, sometimes for months on end, and pick up right where you left off like you just saw them yesterday, is a special gift in itself. This person shows the ultimate friendship commitment because distance is hard, and you slowly learn that not physically seeing someone doesn't mean she/he isn't there. You know how irreplaceable she is, and when you are finally able to see her again, you're overwhelmed with joy, endless selfie sessions, and tons of conversations.You will always miss her, and seeing her show up in your Facebook memories is always bittersweet.
What a girl needs is not a bunch of sugar-coated, artificial relationships, but a few real friendships to get her through life.