With the seemingly constant stream of health ads and perfect celebrity bodies flooding our sight all the time, there may be a few benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle that you're overlooking. By the time summer rolls around, many people, especially girls, can feel pressure to achieve that "perfect body" that seems so desirable these days. Getting in shape might be the only thing you think about and immediately you start eating more salads and hitting the gym a couple of times a week. And yes, after a month or two you feel great about yourself and the progress you've made. But, as the weather cools down and the leaves start changing colors, you may find yourself slacking off with your workout regime, gaining a few extra pounds, or even losing all motivation once the pressure to look good in a swimsuit dies down.
As a firm believer in health, not just fad diets or lose weight quick programs, I thought I would share five benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle that may prompt you to reevaluate your current methods.
1. Self-Confidence
This is a big one. So many people feel insecure about some area of their bodies. While cardio and weight training may help you lose weight, I'm talking about self-confidence in your strength, not your looks. When you have a bad day at work or school, the last thing you probably want to do is go to the gym. But, if you can turn that frustration or stress into a great workout, you will not only feel better physically but mentally as well. You just completed something all for yourself, by yourself and you crushed it. Having a great workout or building up your exercise regime over time can provide a valuable sense of self-accomplishment that no one can take away from you.
2. Physical Investment
Who doesn't want to live a longer life? Exercising regularly is essentially health insurance. Along with living longer than that other guy sitting on the couch, you will experience a lower risk for heart disease, a stronger immune system, and a decreased risk for cancer.
3. Feeling Better
Besides the obvious physical benefits of regular exercise, happiness is another lesser-known result of such activities. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in our levels of happiness because it deals with pleasure from achievement. As we age, we may be losing some of these chemicals and as a result, become more depressed. What's one natural and easy way to prevent this and immediately experience elevated levels of dopamine? Exercise.
4. More Energy
Most people tend to think of exercise as only spending energy. While this is true, your body burn calories performing physical activity, you can also gain energy after a workout. Certain forms of low-intensity exercise can make you feel energized in the same way as drinking a cup of coffee.
5. Boost Your Intelligence
Yes, you read that correctly. Working out can increase your IQ and help prevent cognitive deterioration. Living a longer life without actually being able to move around, think clearly, or be able to do what you love, doesn't seem like a reason to prolong your lifespan with exercise. But, what if you were able to live to 80 or even 90 years of age and still enjoy your life, all because you worked out for 30 minutes a few times a week when you were young.
These five benefits are only a few of the hundreds that came come from taking care of your body. If after reading this you're still on the fence about fitting time into your schedule for some physical activity, just know that the beginning is always the hardest. Whether it's yoga, running or Quidditch, find a form of exercise that's fun for you.