Moving back in is awesome. You get to see friends you haven't seen all summer and most importantly you're back in East Lansing. But this is East Lansing, and this is college, so inevitably at some point you're going to have some awkward moments. Here are the top five awkward moments you're going to have while moving in.
1. At some point you, or your dad, or your friends are going to be moving a couch or dresser up the stairs or trying to clear a narrow doorway.
During this innocent task someone is going to make an unoriginal, sexual joke about it not fitting. Leaving everyone to cringe. Of course there's going to be a parent there because that's just how life works, so now you have the awkward 25 seconds of not looking your mom or dad in the eye until the conversation change. They'll know the joke and they're image of their perfect son or daughter is now tainted.
2. Someone underage is going to have alcohol hidden somewhere.
While, Sophomore Johnny might be living out of his dorm for the first time and be ready for his first time without a parent or an RA breathing down his back, Johnny's mom and will be imaging his house as nothing more than a party paradise with way too high of a rent because East Lansing real estate is a scam.
3. Seeing that one friend that you've kinda lost touch with and have to pretend like it didn't happen.
It's an awkward 5 minutes where you slowly realize that this person that you were friends you no longer know anything about.. That's what happens when you haven't texted them in three months, yet you're also realizing that they never texted you either.
4. Getting judged by your roommates family.
If you move in first, you're probably not going to have all of the stuff for your house or apartment right with you. So if you move in and your roommate is in charge of the forks and knives, eating is going to have to get creative. And of course, life is going to take this other chance to make fun of you and your roommate's mom is going to come right through the door as you're eating mac and cheese with an ice cream scoop.
5. Realizing you don't have any towels right after your first shower.
This could be the first time you and your roommate have ever lived together. So do you really wanna make that long walk back to your bedroom sans towel? No matter how close you are with your roomie, are you guys really that close?
While moving back to college definitely has it's occasional awkward moments, there is nothing like being back in East Lansing, surrounded by your close friends, feeling the roar of a big ten football atmosphere, and living in your quality home that's a prime piece of East Lansing Real Estate.