The modern world we live in makes it easy for us to get lost in the crowd. In the rush of a busy day, we focus more on ourselves than the more important things. We put God to the side and try to do things our way. Only when things get rough will we turn our heads back towards God. That should not be the case.
Every person has a story. We all are unique. We fly on planes, ride on trains, walk, bike, drive, etc. just to get from point A to point B. As busy Christians on the go, we sometimes need encouragement throughout our day. Here are a few apps that are perfect for the fast-paced life:
1. YouVersion
Many of you that already use this app are probably going "obviously". This Bible app allows you to read or listen to the Bible in multiple different versions and languages that you desire. You can highlight the passage and take notes. The app has devotionals or "plans" that you can complete for free! You can connect with friends to see what they are reading, highlighting, or what plans they are on.
2. Truth For Life
A friend recently introduced this app to me and it is great! It is great especially for those of you who are currently searching for a new church, away from your home church, or just need a Jesus fix during the week. Truth For Life has hundreds of sermons over every topic under the sun. You can also get connected through daily devotionals.
3. She/He Reads Truth
(Pictured: She Reads Truth app)
Both of these apps are amazing! It provides free daily devotionals all at the touch of a button. They are easy to follow, scripture based, and make you think. Both sites tend to share the same topic each day, so it's great for a Bible study with your significant other.
Something to keep in mind: The mobile device requires some in-app purchases for plans. Don't worry! The websites and are completely free and have the same content. However, I love the mobile app because it has a free 365 Day Bible plan to get you through the Bible in one year.
4. First Five (Women Only)
This app is created and run by one of the most successful and well-known women's ministries. Proverbs 31 ministries created this app to focus on dedicating the first five minutes of your day to God. When most people wake up, they devote their first five minutes to social media. This app wants to try a new way of waking up. The app has an alarm that can wake you up or remind you to start your devotional. It also has different plans you can get involved in for free.
5. iDisciple
iDisciple is really, really cool. It is the all-in-one package. It has blog posts, videos, and podcasts created by successful theologians. Plans are separated into sections call "life themes" with topics, such as, career, bible, leadership, life challenges, etc. It also has a section strictly focused on plans to help you grow spiritually. It also has an iDisciple radio with different genres of Christian music to listen to.
It is easy to get lost in the rush of the world. We just need to take a step back and remember how great our Creator is. Sometimes we need a reminder, and sometimes that reminder comes in the form of an app.
God #bless