1.) The Kite Runner
By Khaled Hosseini
Amir, a rich young boy living in Afghanistan recalls his life from being from a place where he was from the highest class, to then becoming a refugee in America, his life completely changing. This novel brings the problems of the middle east to life. It outlines how war and famine have effected the lives of the people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and so on, it also brings in an incredible brave story that brought tears to my eyes. And it is very hard for a novel to make me cry, so this was a good one!
2.) To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
A literal classic. I remember having to read this book for an english class and it being the only book I enjoyed reading for a class. With the classic story of a little white girl living in a racist south in the 1930's, it has a lot of deep meaning and amazing morals. It's probably one of my top three favorite books of all time. The sequel to it is also amazing, (Go Set a Watchmen).
3.) The Green Mile by Stephen King
Stephen King, The King of horror novels actually wrote a novel that isn't horror. This novel, similar to To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in the south in the 1930's were races were greatly segregated. A black man, wrongfully accused of murder is set the walk the green mile to the electric chair. But the narrator slowly realizes the man has a special power, and is also completely innocent. The movie is pretty amazing too.
4.) Liar by Justine Larbalestier
I've read this book about five times already, and I find it super underrated. Micah, a girl who believes she inhibits the powers of a werewolf has to deal with her lying obsession, the fact that people thinks she's a guy and her dead boyfriend. This book is not only thrilling but weird, an interesting weird. And the main character is a minority, which you really don't see a lot in teen fiction, sadly....
5.) It's Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
Probably the story I've related the most too. A boy who has depression gets admitted into a psych hospital because he wants to end his own life. A classic "finding yourself" novel but with a deeper meaning. I read this novel whenever my mental illness takes the best of me, it makes me feel better in knowing that i'm not alone.