Do you like to cook? Then perhaps this article might not be of any use to you, but if you don’t like to cook or can’t cook well, then you have found the right place.
We have all been there: either you want to cook but know anything you would make would taste horrible, or you just don’t have the energy to turn on the stove.
Whatever the excuse may be, here are some tips to avoid full-on cooking altogether:
1. Buy microwavable everything.
The key to a successful dinner, as an individual who cannot cook, is to basically avoid the stove as much as possible. Apparently stoves can cause fires, and you probably have had a first-hand experience before.
So, avoid the problem and invest your time in the frozen aisle. All of the food is packaged and ready to go. Pick out a lot of frozen items, because you can also avoid going to the grocery store on a regular basis.
Once you get home with your amazing frozen food, all you have to do is stick the food in the microwave and wait for everything to be warm and delightful.
2. Eat food that you don’t have to cook.
Surprisingly, there are a lot of meals out there that don’t require excessive cooking skills to make. These foods can be anything from a salad to a sandwich.
Sometimes you might have to come up with some creative food ideas so you’re not eating the same exact thing everyday, but the Internet should definitely be a big help for that.
Again, food that doesn’t need to be cooked means that you can avoid the stove, and avoiding the stove means that nothing catches on fire.
3. Invest in roommates or a significant other who will cook for you.
For someone who can’t cook, having people to cook for you is just about the best thing that could ever happen. It’s like having your own personal chef!
All you have to do is buy the food, convince someone to cook it and wha-la! Dinner is complete and you couldn’t be happier. Of course, you should definitely buy enough food for the person cooking to have a share of the meal as well.
4. Eat lots of snacks and call it dinner.
You could buy lunch/ dinner meals, or you could just buy a lot of snacks. Sometimes snacking is the best alternative to cooking, especially when you’re in that in-between hunger.
Another benefit is getting amazing snacks that you actually want like fruit, pretzels, nuts and those occasional snacks that you know you shouldn’t get but you do anyways.
5. Just give up and go out to eat.
After a long day, the last thing you want to do is cook. There is one easy alternative to this problem: just go out! No one said any of the restaurants near you are off limits and, if people judge you, just ignore them and go get a delicious meal.
At least you know you will be getting good food wherever you go, and it’s cooking you can generally trust, unlike your own.
So, avoid “real” cooking and stick with the alternatives! You can actually learn how to cook later.