If you are like me, listening to music during a flight is essential. I am the type of person that loves getting a window seat, puts on my headphones, dramatically stares out the window, and acts like I am in a music video. I’m sure I’m not the only one who likes to pretend they are in a music video, so I have come up with a list of 5 albums that are perfect for dramatically staring out of a window during your flight.
1. Teen Dream - Beach House
This album will always fill me with a sense of nostalgia and peace. It’s the album that made me fall in love with Beach House, it’s the album I would listen to before falling asleep in high school, and it’s literally a dream album. Teen Dream will make you feel like you are living a beautiful dream. Not only is this album one of my favorites to listen to on a flight but it is also one of my favorite albums of all time.
Favorite tracks: Lover of Mine, 10 Mile Stereo, Take Care
2. Sales EP - Sales
Sales has quickly become one of my favorite bands and this EP has become one of my favorites as well! This album is simplicity at it’s best. Something about it, is just so crisp and clean, almost like a breath of fresh air. Perfect for dramatically staring out your window. Would highly recommend, 5/5 stars.
Favorite tracks: Renee, Chinese New Year, Getting It On
3. Worlds - Porter Robinson
One word to describe Worlds, is beautiful. This album is simply beautiful. Maybe I love this album because it takes me back to seeing Porter Robinson’s live set, but I have to admit this album is amazing regardless. It’s more upbeat than the other albums I have mentioned but it is just as good and perfect for being dramatic and staring out your window! This album is more of a dreamy pop take on edm, if there is such a thing.
Favorite tracks: Flicker, Sea of Voices, Lionhearted
4. Idle Labor - Craft Spells
Even if you’ve never listened to Craft Spells before, listening to Idle Labor will make you feel nostalgic. This album is the perfect mixture of up beat yet relaxing music. Justin Vallesteros’ dreamy voice is the perfect soundtrack for your flight.
Favorite tracks: Scandinavian Church, The Fog Rose High, After the Moment
5. Currents - Tame Impala
This list would not be complete without including Tame Impala. By far one of the best albums of 2015, Currents will immediately put you in a good mood. Tame Impala is classic and no flight is complete without listening to them. This album will transport you to another universe while you're literally getting transported to another location.
Favorite tracks: Eventually, Reality in Motion, The Less I Know the Better