It's back! There are definitely some albums that you need to hear when it gets to this time of year when you aren't in the mood for Christmas music. It's cold, it's windy, and it's also kind of awesome. There are so many ways to interpret winter through music, but here are the five albums that do it best for me!
1. Vampire Weekend // Modern Vampires of the City
Prime Listening Time: Mid Afternoon
Favorite Tracks: Hannah Hunt, Ya Hey, Hudson
2. The Black Keys // Brothers
Prime Listening Time: When it starts to get dark out
Favorite Tracks: Sinister Kid, Ten Cent Pistol, Never Gonna Give You Up
3. Childish Gambino // Because the Internet
Prime Listening Time: Driving
Favorite Tracks: The Worst Guys, Pink Toes, III. Telegraph Ave. ("Oakland")
*Keep an eye out for his new album :)
4. Mac Miller // Watching Movies with the Sound Off
Prime Listening Time: Late Night
Favorite Tracks: Aquarium, Watching Movies, Suplexes Inside of Complexes and Duplexes
5. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros // Up From Below
Prime Listening Time: A morning when it isn't cold and gross
Favorite Tracks: Janglin, 40 Day Dream, Up From Below