5 Adventures You Have To Go On This Summer In Ohio | The Odyssey Online
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5 Adventures You Have To Go On This Summer In Ohio

Boring summer days? Cross these scenic places off your bucket list!

5 Adventures You Have To Go On This Summer In Ohio

1. Hocking Hills State Park

19852 Ohio 664, Logan, OH 43138

Oh my goodness, I can't even explain how beautiful Hocking Hills is. There are an abundance of caves, hidden waterfalls, bridges, and 6-mile long hiking trails. You can go on tours or explore the scenic trails with a few friends. You also have the option of staying over night in a log cabin, (which have hot tubs). The cabins are set at a decent price and some packages even include zip-lining! There is also archery... which is kinda cool? Definitely something new! If you haven't already been, I suggest you explore Old Man's Cave and Cedar Falls. They are must sees!

2. Cincinnati Museum Center

1301 Western Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45214

This is the number one, coolest museum in Ohio! I think the best part about this museum is that they are constantly changing their exhibits, so when you keep going back you'll never see the same thing twice. Right now they have a viking theme going on which is pretty interesting. I'm obsessed with their ice age and dinosaur exhibits. Tickets are only $19.50, which isn't too bad for a days worth of fun!

3. Franklin Park Conservatory

1777 E Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43203

Explore the crazy, weird plants in the botanical gardens and learn how to blow glass in the Hot Shop. Beautiful art is scattered all throughout the building and there are lots and lots of butterflies. There is also an adorable café with fresh coffee and food made from scratch! General admission is $14.

4. Primavista

810 Matson Pl, Cincinnati, OH 45204.

This is an upscale Italian restaurant in downtown Cincinnati (not the scary part) that lets you view the entire city. Reviews are 4.6/5 and many people describe this restaurant as "breathtaking", "like a scene from a movie", and even say it is a restaurant "where the food is as captivating as the view". Their menu ranges from vegetarian and vegan options to big juicy steaks. This is a place you have to check out because it truly is beautiful.

5. Headlands Beach State Park

9601 Headlands Rd, Mentor, OH 44060

A beach in Ohio? Yes..kinda sorta. It's actually Lake Erie but is just as beautiful as an open ocean. Headlands Beach is the longest natural beach in Ohio and has been ranked as the best beach in Ohio on previous occasions. Surrounding the beach there are numerous hiking trails that allow you to take in spectacular views of your surroundings. There is so much history to learn about the land as it was an indian trail long long ago!

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