You may always get teased for being the youngest of your friends, but those summer babies don't know what they're missing out on! Here are some great things about having a birthday towards the end of the calendar year:
1. The holidays are just around the corner.
Whether your birthday is closer to Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's, there's always a holiday to look forward to while you're wrapped up in that post-birthday depression.
2. You can have fall and winter themed birthday celebrations.
Even if you don't have a full-blown birthday party, you still have the freedom to go pumpkin picking, build a snowman, or just make a nice cup of cocoa... ON YOUR BIRTHDAY.
3. You don't have to go through the hassle of throwing a pool party/BBQ.
There are a lot of advantages that go with this. You don't need to shave your legs or have that perfect bikini body, you don't have to rely on the weather to be nice, you don't need to get all of the supplies needed for an outdoor party... the list goes on and on.
4. You'll be the last of your group of friends who has to face the inevitable arrival of adulthood.
From paying taxes to living on your own, it's quite a lot to adjust to. If you're the youngest in your group of friends, you can cling to your childhood that much longer.
5. It makes you unique.
Spring and summer babies seem to be so common, right? Sooo mainstream. But being born at the end of the year is something pretty special, and not many people realize that.
So ignore your friends that are celebrating getting way too old way too quickly with a pool party for the 6th year in a row, and bask in the awesomeness that is your birthday.