There are times when the current of life flows gracefully and with direction.
This is not one of those times.
No, this is more like that scene in The Emporers New Groove where the characters are tied to the log being slammed against the rocks in the stream. You’re kind of unglamorously trapped into just going with the flow, taking the hits as they come.
That happens on occasion.
It can be tough to get untangled from those restrictions, especially if they are connected to a list of responsibilities. So instead of just letting life happen to you, go out and try these simple tricks if you are in need of a change of pace.
1. Go try an activity you’ve never done before.
This could be a location you’ve never been to, a class you’ve never taken before, or a skill you’ve never spent time on. This will get your mind focused and productive so the transition back to regular work will be seamless.
2. Talk to a stranger.
Go to a random place and strike up a small conversation with anyone in the area. It could be someone serving you, or someone walking next to you on the street. Either way, you will most likely be stepping out of your comfort zone, which could lead to accomplishment later.
3. Indulge.
Treat yourself to one of those vices that you probably don’t want anyone to know about. It could be anything: from purchasing a favorite food item, to canceling plans you don’t want to attend, to binge-watching Netflix, to going to a bar to drink all night. Doesn’t matter- so long as it’s something you love.
4. Set a goal.
With the arrival of the new year, many people find it exciting to make a list of goals. Your goal doesn’t need to be complicated, but do pick at least one and try to remind yourself to follow it throughout the year. It will be a good focal point for times you lose drive.
5. Take note of the positive.
Even if you’ve been dealt the worst of the worst, you can find something to be thankful for. Is it someone you have in your life? Something you mastered after a few tries? An opportunity you received? A memory you made? This will remind you that part of living a complete life includes good times, and you have been lucky enough to have them.
I know it can be tough to get the ball rolling when you’re stuck, but you got this. Always remember that even the smallest steps will lead to a road well traveled.
If all else fails, plug in your favorite playlist and get lost in the suck for a little. No discomfort ever went less smooth with a little music bumping in the background!