Being a guy in the twenty-first century, I am prone to absent-mindedness. This is the tendency one to lose touch of the physical sensations in front of your eyes while being caught up in one’s mind. I often find that I miss statements, directions, and general happenings that occur around me. This gets me in a lot of trouble with my family, at work, in school, and around my friends. Sometimes I just miss things, and I get lost in my own mind allowing my fantasies, thoughts, and struggles to overtake everything while the physical fades from my perception almost completely. So here are a few things to know about the boy who is absent minded.
1. It is not that we don’t care.
We do, It is just sometimes we get so caught up in our own struggles and minds that we miss things. We want to listen, we want to hear, but it's the most subtle noises or movements that can cause us to lose focus. Phrases can bring associations and memories that evoke emotions too much for us to neglect.
2. We hate it.
At least for me, I hate it. I hate forgetting things so quickly and missing moments others hold dear. I want to remember everything you said, and want to get things done, being caught up in another world prevents us from remembering. Therefore, we miss dates, deadlines, and things we previously committed to. I don’t want to disappoint anyone, but I often end up doing so just because of the chaos of life. It is one of my biggest flaws and I often lower people’s expectations for me and they start to expect it out of me.
3. We don’t blank out.
It is the times when we are in our spells that our best thinking is done. I personally think about the future, set goals, and think about my loved ones primarily. Sometimes I look at the world what surrounds me. Something as small as an ant can catch my attention even in the loudest and most hectic of rooms.
4. We see beauty in everything.
When I mention that we notice the littlest of things, we see beauty in those things as well. I can’t tell you how many times I have looked outside, observed nature and have been overcome with emotion looking at God’s creation. Our eyes look around seeing a chain of events that culminate into the beautiful landscape we observe in whole.