If you’d asked me before I came to college would I ever be in (a) a long distance relationship and (b) with someone older than me who has already graduated my answer would have been to burst out laughing and say “hell no, because that’ll never work.”
Well that’s exactly where I am, right now. My boyfriend who I met my freshman year graduated before I started my junior year. Meaning if we wanted to last until I graduated we’d have to be long distance for TWO YEARS. That’s a long time. So far we’ve made it work pretty damn well if I do say so myself. And yeah it sucks not being able to meet up for lunch in-between classes, go to semi-formal together or just binge watch Louie together after a rough day but there are some upsides to being long distance, especially in college
1. Time to do all the things you want to do.
You have tons of time to get be devoted to your sorority/fraternity as well and have time to join other organizations if you want to, or just take up a hobby.
2. You can still have great nights out.
When you’re long distance you never have an excuse to blow off going out with your girls/guys, unless you’re one of those couples that does FaceTime on their laptops until they fall asleep (eye roll).
3. There’s always have something to look forward too.
School weeks go by so much faster when you’re on a countdown to your awesome weekend plans with your significant other, which if you’re like me and my SO just consist of ordering pizza, drinking beer and renting Redbox.
4. You actually have trust in your relationship.
You’ll learn that sometimes your SO just can’t always text you back immediately or answer your phone call. They have a life just like you do. You learn to actually trust each other and give each other space.
5. You learn sweat the small stuff.
When you only get to see your SO four days a month (if you’re lucky) you start to wonder why other couples fight about insignificant things. You’re just happy to spend time together and realize it’s dumb to waste that time being upset over something neither of you will remember a month from now.