5 2017 Films You Don't Want To Miss
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5 2017 Films You Don't Want To Miss

Hiding within the sea of movies, here are the best.

5 2017 Films You Don't Want To Miss

Over the past eight months of 2017, Hollywood has put out some great and not-so-great movies. Some of the great ones might have slipped through the cracks for some audiences. After all, summer time is one of those times of the year that people lose track of time. These films that I will list below are certainly worth watching. Some will still be in theaters, others will be out soon on DVD. Please, let me know down below which one is your favorite.

1. "Dunkirk"

One important aspect you need to know about this movie, "Dunkirk", is the fact that it's not for everybody. I went to see this with my dad and he was confused when it ended. If you're a casual moviegoer and intense violence isn't for you, then you probably won't enjoy it.

However, I loved this movie for what it did for the story and its characters. It has stunning cinematography and intense battle scenes. The performances from all of the actors were fantastic enough that I didn't mind the lack of dialogue this film had.

In fact, the lack of dialogue is what I most admire from this film. It was refreshing to see a war movie without any cheesy dialogue between the soldiers wanting to go back home or how they hate the Nazis. "Dunkirk," told the story and characters' motivations all through visuals.

That's why "Dunkirk" wins the prize in showing not telling in a motion picture.

2. "Get Out"

Many people labeled "Get Out" a horror movie, but I can assure you that it's more of a thriller than a horror movie. I see most horror movies nowadays just being an hour and a half worth of cheap jump scares and dumb plot lines that hardly make any sense. "Get Out" is a movie that is much more brilliant than that.

The movie is smart, intense and creepy. Everyone in the theater was on the edge of their seat and in shock of how everything played out in the plot.

The cinematography was nonetheless great along with the clever use of music. The actors' performances were the real gem of the movie. It's a brilliant movie to watch with a group of friends who haven't already seen it.

3. "Baby Driver"

Edgar Wright's new film, "Baby Driver" is loved and appreciated by critics and anyone who has seen it. Its unique story and characters truly show why Edgar Wright is one of Hollywood's best directors right now.

It's the perfect getaway summer movie anyone can ask for. The chase scenes and 70s crime drama vibe along with good music has everybody in love with "Baby Driver", making it a huge hit at the box office.

The main character of the film, Baby, (played by Ansel Elgort) has a great character arch with his conflicts in being forced to be a getaway driver for Kevin Spacey's character, Doc and his love interest for Deborah (played by Lily James).

I highly recommend you read Justin Jones' review article for a more in-depth review of the film. However, it's safe to say, "Baby Driver" takes the prize for being the best movie to watch in the summer.

4. "Spider-Man: Homecoming"

Marvel strikes again with "Spider-Man: Homecoming", a refreshing new take on the classic superhero who we all know and love. Compared to the other "Spider-Man" films, this one knew its limits and what it wanted to be. Instead of having a serious and dramatic tone like the past five films, Marvel went for a more fun and lighter tone.

One aspect that I really loved from this film was the fact they kept it small-scaled. The bad guy was not some god or alien from outer space. It was some dude who got his hands on alien weapons and wanted to destroy the elite for ruining his life. His motivation was almost sympathetic.

Peter Parker's character ark was nonetheless the best one out of all the "Spider-Man" movies. He grows and matures in this movie and he learns that being a hero isn't for your own selfish reasons, but it's for the sake of others.

This film is truly one of Marvel's best.

5. "Logan"

I know another Marvel movie, but "Logan" was too good to not include on this list. Now, you don't have to see the other "Wolverine"/"X-Men" movies to see it. This movie makes it clear how important Logan's job was as Wolverine and how important it is to save the little girl from the bad guys.

The action scenes were exciting to watch even though there weren't that many of them. This movie focuses more on character development and its plot than action, which is refreshing to see since it's a superhero movie. Superhero movies are easily ruined when they rely too much on the action scenes.

And all of the acting from all the characters, even from the child actors, were great. By the end of the film, I couldn't help but cry. It was a bittersweet kind of an ending but a perfect one.

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