I am not quite sure about how to sum up this year in a way that can truly demonstrate the real dumpster fire it's been. As for me, and my very short existence, this year has been a doozy. That seems to be something nationwide that can be agreed upon. And if you are someone that wants to argue that, you are the literal personification of 2016.
For the rest of us, New Years will be more of a symbolic burning alive, stomping on, and burying of 2016. It's been a ......year. It's sure been quite a year. So, I wanted to reflect on some things that 2016 may have taught us.
1. Human's Impact for Good
This is the VERY short list of famous, impactful, groundbreaking and one-of-a-kind humans who passed this year. This year began with a rapid collapse from early January with the loss of David Bowie to late December with the loss of Carrie Fisher. And there are many, many more. If it shows us anything, it is the ability for one human life to impact so many lives. Whether it be lessons learned from living lives unabashedly and fearlessly or breaking gender and generational barriers, shattering stigmas, or just being ourselves. Who we are as people matter, how we live and love matters, and the legacy left behind matters. The outpouring of gratefulness that has been shown for these humans and many others, demonstrates our ability to see the great and powerful gift of influence. While these individuals represent many things in and of themselves, their impact and influence, that changed many minds and lives for the better, show us that we can continue doing beautiful, lovely, and amazing things long after we die.
2. Politics and Perspective are Inextricably Connected
Our experiences, our lives, our values, our mindset, and our politics are all stirred into the same pot. If there's one thing I can say I've learned this year, it's that it never just "just politics." It's experiences, upbringing, situations, contexts and those cannot be stripped away and apart from politics. This can be a difficult and equally wonderful realization. We can choose how we want to process this evolution of politics. I hope it has taught me to be more empathetic, sympathetic and understanding. Knowing the person can change the perspective. If we seek more to truly understand what we cannot understand, it can lead to a beautiful, messy and wild new way of interacting with those around you. People are politics and if we learn to love and understand people better, maybe we can understand politics better.
3. The Power of Memes
Memes are essentially a universal language that bridges gaps, find common ground, and tug at our cheek corners. While, yes, some politically and personal themed memes can be used as a more subtle jab at our Facebook friends, on a whole I find them to be a silly, outrageous, and a fun addition to the social media world.
Take this one with a grain of salt and let's not overdo it with the saltiness. If you can't, maybe someone needs to cool it with the sodium pills.......
4. If You Brexit, You Buy It
It pays to be informed and aware, and if you're not, then you might end up paying for it yourself. We need to be aware of what is happening in our nation's leadership, we need to be involved, and we need to know our vote and voice have an impact. This can be a lesson to us in the importance of understanding, our economy, social climate, the role of racial prejudice and government structures and impact. If we don't, we, and the generation to come, may end up paying for it.
5. The Worst Can Bring Out the Good
Yes, this year showed the darker side of many institutions and people. The media and craziness of the world painted a solemn picture of what things can happen in a pretty messed up world. But, it also brought out the best in some ways. Sometimes it takes raw, ugly hate to bring out true, unstoppable love.
A Message Of Tolerance And Welcome, Spreading From Yard To Yard
Shout out to the home of my alma mater. Harrisonburg lives up to the "Friendly City."
Refugees Encounter a Foreign Word: Welcome
There are people that breakdown their prejudice, selfishness and fears in order to welcome and help others.
There's a thousand of these stories out there, but there's still much more to do. This just shows that out of mud-slinging, name-calling, and arguing, can come hope, acceptance and a desire to do good.
Look at the people who handled that rude comment with grace and humor. Think about that friend who has decided to reach out in love and empathy despite of all the anger. Think about that family member who listened to your opinions and views without being dismissive and hurtful. Think of the friends you know that have come together to support one another. Think of the true courage of those around you that can only be refined in the midst of madness and turmoil.
Think of the ways this year has made you more sure of how you should love and serve others because of all the examples of how not to.
2016, you've been a whirlwind of a million things I am too exhausted to type. So, here's a meme:
Put your torch in the air and let's ignite 2016 into a burnt oblivion.