In case you weren't aware that the most American of all of the American holidays is upon us or you've been avoiding thinking about all of the food and drink required to keep everyone entertained before the fireworks start, I have complied a list of party favorites so that you don't have to! Time to get on your red (wine), red (wine), and food!
These "Firework Piña Coladas" really put a spark in your step! These delicious and colorful fruity concoctions actually aren't much more difficult to make than regular ones! Link to recipe Here
This is so easy that if I can make it, you certainly can too! All you need is ice cream and sprinkles. Seriously. Recipe here in case you really cant figure it out from this picture.
Red, White, and Blue fruit pizza is what fruitcake is to the Holidays. Everyone brings it and it never gets fully eaten, but the amount of pointless time you spent on it is impressive. Recipe here
I need this in my life like...right now. It's a watermelon blueberry patriotic something that looks delicious. The blue rim seems like too much work but I guess it will look pretty to look at! Link here
This is another one of these super easy recipes that is pretty self explanatory, Strawberry + Chocolate + neon blue sprinkles = happiness.
If someone can tell me how to get them this pretty, I will be forever grateful. This is one of those recipes that seems easy but when you actually do it for yourself it never quite looks the same as the picture. Recipe here if you are willing to try it out and impress your guests!
This is the super easy alcoholic partner to those super easy food recipes we talked about earlier. It's literally a gin and tonic with blueberry and raspberry to give it color. Recipe here for those who still can't figure this out.