The Fourth of July is approaching us! What does that mean for millions across the United States? Well, each year people use this day as a chance to throw a party for family and friends, watch colorful fireworks, grab cold drinks from the cooler and to eat way too many hot dogs and hamburgers. It turns into the great American experience. Who wouldn't want to celebrate this way? It is a very popular celebration considering that it has been done this way for years. It has became its own kind of tradition.
This all sounds great, doesn't it? The food, the fireworks and the people. What are we really celebrating? What is the true meaning of the Fourth of July? If you know, then you are serving the holiday its justice and if you don't, it's okay, because you are right there with a lot of Americans who don't know why we celebrate on this day. Some may find this surprising, but it's actually not as uncommon as you may think. Many people have been brainwashed or lied to in order to think that the Fourth of July is just an excuse to throw a big party with family and friends. People don't know or care to find out the greatness behind the date. Do not worry. I am here to fix this "Fourth of Ju-Lie" problem and bring clarity to those who do not know or are not sure.
Let us start from the beginning. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was brought forth to the Continental Congress. The colonies wanted to declare its independence from Great Britain due to their unruly ways toward them. The signers of the document knew it would be a dangerous deed. At this time, Great Britain was a world power. They had a a lot of power in the world of that time and a grand army. The colonies were weak compared to Great Britain. They barely had an army of men who wanted to stand for something. So against all odds, the Declaration of Independence was signed and told the world that these colonies would be free states. The sole importance of the Fourth of July is that it marks the birth of The United States of America. It is our Independence Day!
So take this knowledge, and spread it for people to see. Everyone in this country needs to know the true meaning of this grand day. If it never happened, nothing would be like it is today. Let's stop this "Fourth of Ju-Lie" now. We owe it to the great forefathers of this nation and ultimately to ourselves.
Now that we all know the true meaning behind the Fourth of July, let's go have a great time. This day was meant to be a grand celebration. It is a day to celebrate freedom. It is a day to celebrate strength. It is a day to celebrate this great land we call home. So grab the coolers and food, then let's go have a great time celebrating the birth of our country. Don't forget the fireworks!
God bless the United States of America!
Americans across the Nation were asked questions about this holiday by Mark Dice. Be sure and check out his video. This is an example of why we need to know what we are really celebrating. Enjoy!