The Best Playlist To Listen To When In Your Feels | The Odyssey Online
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48 Songs To Add To Your 'Sad Mood' Playlist

Sometimes, all you need is emotional music when you're feeling low.

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Music has a special place in the world we live in. It makes you feel something with each and every lyric and note.

Some of my favorite music is the songs that make you feel emotional. When you're feeling low, sometimes all you need is sad music and a good cry. Sometimes, the only solution to your sadness is to lay down and listen to some emotional tunes.

Thanks to Spotify and Apple Music, there are playlists out there made specifically for when you're feeling blue. But if you're like me, you'll want to make your own playlist filled with songs from every genre imaginable.

1. Jason Aldean - "Any Ol' Barstool"

2. Little Big Town - "Better Man"

3. Taylor Swift - "Back to December"

4. Miley Cyrus & Billy Ray Cyrus - "Butterfly Fly Away"

5. Shawn Mendes - "Aftertaste"

6. Motion City Soundtrack - "Fell In Love Without You" (Acoustic)

7. Vance Joy - "Mess Is Mine"

8. James Taylor - "Fire and Rain"

9. Kygo & Labrinth - "Fragile"

10. Labrinth - "Jealous"

11. Ed Sheeran - "Give Me Love"

12. Hannah Montana - "I'll Always Remember You"

13. The Goo Goo Dolls - "Iris"

14. The Goo Goo Dolls - "Sympathy"

15. Avril Lavigne - "Keep Holding On"

16. Passenger - "Let Her Go"

17. One Direction - "Little Things"

18. Parachute - "The Mess I Made"

19. Jonas Brothers - "Please Be Mine"

20. John Mayer - "Say"

21. RENT - "Seasons of Love"

22. John Mayer - "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room"

23. Taylor Swift - "Teardrops on My Guitar"

24. Christina Perri - "A Thousand Years"

25. Shawn Mendes - "Three Empty Words"

26. Jonas Brothers - "When You Look Me In The Eyes"

27. Sebastian Mego - "Where Do I Go From Here"

28. Hannah Montana - "Wherever I Go"

29. Thomas Rhett - "Marry Me"

30. Rascal Flatts - "What Hurts The Most"

31. Coldplay - "The Scientist"

32. Niall Horan - "Too Much To Ask"

33. Sam Smith - "Too Good At Goodbyes"

34. Christina Perri - "Jar of Hearts"

35. Death Cab For Cutie - "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"

36. Maroon 5 - "Beautiful Goodbye"

37. Zac Brown Band - "Colder Weather"

38. A Great Big World - "Already Home"

39. Sufjan Stevens - "Mystery of Love"

40. Elefant - "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"

41. The Script - "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"

42. The Script - "No Good In Goodbye"

43. Shawn Mendes - "Where Were You In The Morning"

44. Charlie Puth - "Through It All"

45. Post Malone - "Stay"

46. Kiss - "Beth"

47. Lonestar - "I'm Already There"

48. Tim McGraw - "Red Ragtop"

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