Whether you're a collegiate athlete, or a high school one, you have probably found yourself saying most of these phrases. Us athletes know that the athlete life isn't for everyone, and we often find ourselves questioning if it's still for us. So, this is for all my fellow athletes.
All my fellow athletes who know the struggle is undoubtedly real, and who find themselves saying these 47 phrases almost as often as I do.
1. Do you have an extra hair tie?
2. What if we just said no? What if we just didn't run when the whistle is blown?
3. I, like, really, am not feeling practice today.
4. Do these pants make my quads look big?

5. Are you going to eat before or after practice?
6. I'm so sore.
7. Want to get McDonald's after practice?
8. Did you see that she wore makeup to a preseason practice?

9. I actually looked like a girl today.
10. I wonder what college would be like if I wasn't an athlete.
11. We're up before the sun way too often.

12. Is it gross if I don't shower after weights?
13. How hard do you think practice will be today?
14. Coach is literally crazy.
15. I ate like 20 minutes ago, so there's a 50% chance I puke during this practice.

16. I'm not going to drink the protein shake they gave us because it's going to make me gain weight.
17. I think my legs are bigger than his, so I can't date him.
18. I think my arms are bigger than his, so I can't date him.
19. Today in class a non-athlete was talking about how busy her schedule is. It was so annoying.

20. Thinking about preseason makes me want to cry.
21. Is it even healthy for us to have this many practices in one day?
22. I'll be right back, I'm having PGD (pre-game dumps).
23. I think I'm going to throw up.
24. I should have worked out more on my own.

25. How do other girls have the energy to put makeup on for class every day?
26. My legs are dead.
27. Why did we think being a college athlete was a good idea?
28. Do you think coach will be mad if I have to go pee?
29. I think I peed my pants a little bit during conditioning.

30. Should I wear my hair in a pony-tail, or in a bun?
31. I should probably start eating healthy soon.
32. Only six more practices until the weekend, we can do this.
33. I'd rather be sore for a week straight than climb into this ice bath.

34. They might have beat us, but at least we're still pretty.
35. I can't wait to celebrate our win this weekend.
36. How many hours of sleep did you get? I got 6, it was crazy, I feel so refreshed.
37. I look like such a boy right now.

38. Will you braid my hair?
39. That referee totally rigged the game. We should have won.
40. I think I'd hate being a reg (regular student).
41. It's OK if I eat this since we had conditioning this morning, right?

42. If you're not doing homework, get off the bus Wi-Fi, everybody.
43. These pants fit my legs perfectly but are huge on my waist.
44. I smell so bad right now that I can smell myself.

45. I bet my grades would be so much better if I wasn't an athlete.
46. Coach only gave us, like, one water break during practice. It was horrible.
47. I am so happy that I'm an athlete.