The best feeling in the world is knowing that the semester is coming to an end, and summer will be here soon. On the downside, though, is that it also means finals week, a week of torture created by schools and professors. Finals week is always a rough time filled with exhaustion, tears, headaches, and almost near insanity.
To ease some of the pain and give you a much-needed distraction from your studying, here are 46 Vines that describe the situations of finals week a little too accurately:
1. Your first thought during finals is "were all those times I skipped class really worth it?"
2. That "easy" assignment you've put off for weeks will definitely come back to haunt you.
3. You can only study so much before you need to rely on a little bit of hope and prayer.
4. All you want to do is leave and go home for the summer.
5. You save that essay after every word you type because do you really trust technology?
6. Letting loose at this point in the semester can have some severe consequences.
7. Waking up for that early exam does not feel too good.
8. The second you walk through the door to your exam, you forget everything you ever knew...
9. *Looks at a problem* "Did we ever learn this?"
10. After staring at that question for so long, it makes even less sense.
11. Nothing is worse than when an exam says "Explain," but you don't even know the answer let alone explain how you got there.
12. You have practically lived in the library for the past week.
13. You can only hope that your professors will go a little easy on you.
14. The smallest things make you unreasonably mad.
15. Some people who have been awake waaay too long rely on 5 Hour Energy.
16. Professors tease you by making question one ridiculously easy then having the rest be impossible.
17. You pretend everything is fine after you fail that exam...
18. ...And again.
19. You can tell EXACTLY who doesn't have finals the next day by their blood alcohol level.
20. Arguing about answers after the exam with your friends can be a little demoralizing.
21. How can you even guess when you honestly don't even know what the question is asking?
22. At that review session, you revealed that you know nothing when you confidently answered the question incorrectly.
23. Procrastinating is how you find your real talents.
24. The exhaustion hits and so do the emotions.
25. Then all of your real feelings start coming out.
26. I don't know about sleep either.
27. Sometimes you realize a little too late that you used the wrong word in an essay.
28. The university tries to cheer you up with free things.
29. How about some tuition money instead?
30. You think this at least once every minute.
31. You feel so irritated when sitting in the library studying and see someone relaxed and on Netflix.
32. There's always that one friend who tries to distract you while you're hard at work.
33. They only actually quit bothering you for a minute then they start annoying you again.
34. You're just so irrationally fed up with everything.
35. You better not forget to check on your friend who is also studying.
36. People ~try~ to impress you by talking about how prepared they are for their exams.
37. That's good, but does your brain?
38. After that exam, you can clearly see your future.
39. You feel so offended when your teacher who just harshly tore apart your assignment, then tries to make small talk.
40. "You may not leave during the exam."
41. You have to at least try to hype your friend up for that exam they're stressing over.
42. A message from college students to seniors:
43. Is anyone "good" at this point in the semester?
44. Slowly more and more people leave the room, and suddenly you're the last one taking the exam.
45. It's been quite a stressful day, week, semester, life.
46. Finally, exams are over and summer can begin!
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