46 Thoughts I Had While Running Bay To Breakers | The Odyssey Online
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46 Thoughts I Had While Running Bay To Breakers

And why I can't wait to do it again.

46 Thoughts I Had While Running Bay To Breakers
  • I'm definitely setting a new record for how many mini cliff bars I can fit in this fanny pack.
  • Thank you to whoever invented fanny packs.
  • I have no clue how I got into this corral but I guess this is where I’ll stay.
  • I'm definitely more nervous for the seeded/sub-seeded runners than they are for themselves.
  • To the people with the full body costumes, I admire you.

  • I mean seriously is pink gorilla guy going to keep that on the whole time??
  • Why do so many people have bags of tortillas?
  • Ah, I see.
  • I’m sorry to anyone I hit in the face with a tortilla.
  • The volunteers created a human chain to corral all of these people. They actually did that.
  • The infamous nervous-pee is coming on.
  • These speakers are quite powerful; sorry again, eardrums.
  • I’m going to check my watch as I pass the start line so I look like an ~serious~ runner.
  • I’ve never been so energized during a run.
  • Full credit for this energy goes to the hype man on the loudspeaker at the start.
  • Where are the mile markers? I need to establish when it's socially acceptable to take a stretch break
  • Hayes Hill, you almost got me. Almost.
  • The Church of Latter Day Sinners. Good one.
  • Thank you to the stranger who, unbeknownst to them, is pacing me.
  • This is basically just a moving frat party with better costumes and healthier decisions being made.

  • How is it already Mile 4?
  • That sobriety tent could be a useful implementation at college parties. Just saying.
  • This run wouldn’t be nearly as fun if not for the enthusiastic spectators.
  • Another happy (belated) birthday to the man wearing the “I turned 60 today” shirt!
  • Everyone here is so comfortable being them own selves.
  • You get used to the naked people after a bit.
  • Also, shoutout to the naked people- I wish I was that carefree and confident in my own skin.
  • Alright, it’s starting to get cold.
  • This fog means we’re almost done right??
  • Here’s to the runners high that kicked in around Mile 5.
  • ...and here’s to pressing the gas a little too early on that runner's high.
  • Regardless, this gradual downhill is very much so appreciated.

  • These elite runners are running their cool down faster than I’m running the race.
  • Your negativity didn’t affect anyone, Repent or Perish guy.
  • I’m sorry to the police officers around him who had to listen to that for the whole race.
  • The beach!! The finish!! The runners high is back!
  • Can these strangers motivate me to finish strong do the same every night when I try to procrastinate on my homework?
  • Oh god, I definitely did not make a cute face for that finish line picture.
  • I’m on such an adrenaline high right now.
  • My medal that, yes, I will wear around for the rest of the day, thank you very much.
  • Make room for these Pete’s coffee cold brews, mini cliff bars.
  • I definitely drank too much coffee.
  • I really love this city and all the people in it.
  • I don’t even know what these vitamin packets are but I’ll have 8.
  • The contrast of all these sunny people and colorful costumes to the foggy day is so stark.
  • Here’s to already wishing Bay to Breakers 2018 would come sooner.
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