Society has this insanely bad habit of focusing on the negative in life.
Trust me, I am a huge offender when it comes to dwelling on the four bad things that happened during the day rather than standing awestruck at all the majesty around me.
So, I compiled a list of 45 things I am particularly thankful for this week.
1. My parents.
Without you two, I would not be me.
2. My sisters and brother.
Thank you for never letting me be without a friend.
3. My three best friends.
Irene, Yeoryia, and Forrester. You each have held me up in such different ways, and I am grateful for you being in my life.
4. My amazing koumbara, Leycei.
Thank you for extending my church family.
5. My perfect godson, Seraphim.
Being your godmother, loving you and praying for you is one of my most treasured gifts.
6. My hardworking boyfriend, John.
Being your partner is incredibly rewarding, and I am looking forward to growing alongside you.
7. My hearing.
Thanks to this sense, I can hear the rain, I can enjoy music.
8. My eyesight.
I can see all the beauty around me.
9. My sense of taste.
Food brings so much joy to this world.
10. My sense of smell.
Could I even imagine a world without this?
11. My speech.
I can express myself.
12. The way lavender can make me feel better.
I can never explain why, but this scent will always make me feel brand new.
13. When tea is fresh and aromatic.
There is nothing that parallels the smell of fresh rose tea.
14. The line for coffee was short this morning.
Caffeine levels replenishes.
15. My professor reinforced my good idea.
And it was a good idea.
16. My good ideas.
The capacity for knowledge is limitless.
17. The men and women who smile at others in the halls.
Thank you for brightening the days of so many.
18. The men and women who hold doors for people.
Wow, such a kind gesture.
19. The restaurant-goers who ask about my day.
Being a server can be so hard, but you all bring so much joy.
20. The way the sun reflects off bodies of water.
What an expanse it creates.
21. That spark of happiness friends faces have when they see you.
22. The sound of babies laughing from across the room.
I didn't even know there was a baby here, but now I'm so glad I do.
23. When a senior citizen calls you kind.
You have so much life experience, and I am happy I fit your definition of kindness.
24. I woke up this morning.
That's never guaranteed.
25. You woke up this morning.
And I am so glad you did.
26. A puppy gave me a kiss yesterday.
And what a good boy he was.
27. The way clouds glide along the sky.
You can just get lost in their voyage.
28. Pretty much every Disney song can be listened to in another language.
Nothing makes me happier than Greek Moana, or should I call her Vaiana.
29. Forgiveness.
In all forms.
30. My struggle to forgive myself.
This journey was a necessary one.
31. Active change in the world.
We are the generation of leaders and innovators.
32. The Holy Orthodox Church.
For giving me a place to worship my God.
33. My brothers and sisters in Christ.
For holding me accountable for my actions, and for encouraging my growth.
34. Poetry.
Reading other people's raw and true emotions is a gift.
35. Safe landings.
So many loved ones traveling, and so many people made it safely.
36. A healthy body.
One head, two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes.
37. A healthy mind.
Nothing is the same without it.
38. Sweet kisses.
Goodness, my heart fluttered just thinking about them.
39. Someone accepted a much deserved apology.
What a great step to growth.
40. Enthusiasm.
There is hardly anything I find more inspiring than seeing someone living out their dream.
41. Time that's found.
Have you ever planned out your whole day and still had time to spend doing the things that set your soul on fire? That's what I'm talking about.
42. Deep conversations.
There is something about talking about things with people who mean something to you.
43. Music that makes you feel.
Happy, sad, nostalgic; whatever you feel. It is amazing that you’re feeling something.
44. Bad new and enemies.
These are the things that foster the realest and most profound growth in us. These challenge us to break the shell we are in and expand.
45. The good news.
Jesus Christ made Himself man, suffered and was buried. He rose from the dead to save sinners. In this world, He transformed the lives of so many. His love burns within all of us, and because of His love, my life is so abundant.