The past couple of weeks have been hard on me, and I have noticed that they have been especially hard on others too. You get caught up in completing everything on your To Do list, but at the end of the day, what did you really do?
Studying is important. It helps you achieve your dreams and further your education. But what if between all the studying and assignments due and errands to run, you have lost sight of what your actual dream is?
Before you know it, you’re going to be in the “real world” and have a “real job” with “real money” and “real responsibilities,” which is terrifying to most. And making time for yourself will be even more difficult.
There has been a lot of heavy issues going on in the news and in everyone’s life, so I decided to take a more lighthearted approach to my writing this week. Whether it’s big or small, there are 45 things I believe everyone should do before they’re 25.
1.Travel out of the country.
2. If you are lucky enough to travel out of the country- visit Assisi, Italy and at least walk around.
3. Drive to a place you’ve never been with a friend.
4. Drive to a place you’ve never been with family.
5. Go a day, week, or month without your phone (I did it for a month; it’s very rewarding)
6. Read a book that was not assigned to you.
7. Read To Kill a Mockingbird.
8. Help your mom cook.
9. Go to the movies with your parents.
10. Go to the bookstore with your dad.
11. Call your grandparents more than once a month.
12. Say “no” more.
13. Say “yes” more.
14. Once in a while, try to work out every day of the week.
15. Then, take a week off and don’t work out.
16. Paint your nails.
17. Volunteer for something meaningful.
18. If you enjoy it, do it weekly and commit.
19. Listen more to what others have to say.
20. Go to church and see if it’s for you.
21. Pray and see if you enjoy it, even if you don’t go to church.
22. Go to bed before 11 p.m.
23. Pull and all nighter for a reason unrelated to studying.
24. Buy a pet (and take care of that pet).
25. Eat a carton of ice cream (how many times you want to do this is at your discretion).
26. Read a newspaper that’s not online.
27. Fall in love.28. Have your heart broken.
29. Try to paint or draw- you may be good at it (it’s also a good stress reliever).
30. Learn to ride a horse (you never know when you may need this).
31. Learn how to change a tire.
32. Learn to drive stick shift.
33. Learn how to balance a checkbook.
34. Learn how to cook pasta.
35. Register to vote, and vote.
36. Open the door for people- all the time.
37. Live by yourself.
38. Live with a couple of roommates.
39. Try really good food, even if it’s new to you.
40. Hold hands more with people you love.
42. Learn how to give a good handshake.
43. Be able to talk in front of group of people.
44. Don’t say, “I’m sorry” when there’s not a reason to be.
45. Accept others, even if you may not agree with them.
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