444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre | The Odyssey Online
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444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre


444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre


DESIGNATION: 444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre "The Leftovers"
LOCATION: D'yanoi Sept, based on the very swampy planet of D'yi
FOUNDING: In the aftermath of Hive Fleet Gorgon. Assembled with those who had lost most of their fellow unit and are considered too scarred to return to service under their home sept. Also recruits retirees who still wish to partake in the defense of the Tau Empire and Tau'Va.

COMMANDING OFFICER: Shas'O B'Ol'Cova (Commander HulkBuster)
HELPERS: 2 Kor'ui
AUXILIARY:19 Kroot, 2 Shapers, 6 Kroot hounds, 2 Krootox Riders
VEHICLES : Sunshark ("T.E.S. Serenity"), 3 Devilfish troop transports, 3 convertible Skyray/hammerhead/devilfish

Fortifications: Gunrig and Tidewall Shield Defensline

CURRENT STATUS: Stationed on D'yi, preparing for new troop garrison and equipment delivery.

MISSION STATUS: Serve as auxiliary support for defensive and offensive campaigns of the D'yanoi sept and other nearby septs.

History and founding: The 444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre was founded by Shas'O B'Ol'Cova after his own unit was destroyed in the first contact with the dreaded Tyranid Hive Fleet Gorgon. Shas'O Cova got his nickname "Hulkbuster" from this incident. Before the Tau Empire had become aware of the Tyranid menace, long range sensors had picked up signs of a massive conglomeration of dead vessels from the Imperium of man, known to them as a "Space Hulk." The Empire, seeing this as a grand opportunity to uncover and understand the Gue'saal (humans) of the Imperium and their bizarre technology better sent Shas'O Cova and his unit to investigate. Little was obtained from this mission as Hive Fleet Gorgon crashed into the space hulk superstructure amidst the team's exploration. Having never before experienced such a dread foe as the Tyranid hive fleets, Shas'O Cova's reconnaissance Cadre was swiftly devoured by the swarms. The only survivor was Shas'O Cova who, even after losing the arms and legs of his Crisis Battlesuit, managed to overload some strange reactor. This appeared to have caused a chain reaction, decimating the Space Hulk and crippling Hive Fleet Gorgon. Shas'O Cova was later found after his distress beacon made contact. He is credited with not only warning the Empire of the dreaded Tyranid scourge but also greatly delaying and diverting its onslaught. He is a true hero of the Tau'Va (Greater Good) and was given the nickname HulkBuster to honor his destruction of the space hulk, but he was unfortunately stricken with an inverted ghost limb illness. Though his arms and legs are healthy, due to the injuries to his battlesuit, his mind does not consider them to exist and thus they are paralyzed except when in a battlesuit. He would not accept early retirement, however, and having lost his own Cadre he felt the need to offer a place for other Tau who had either lost their units or were deemed unfit to continue serving. And thus formed the 444th D'Yanoi Spearhead Assault Cadre, most often assigned to missions deemed extremely dangerous but very necessary for the tau'va of the Tau Empire.

--Commander and Cadre introduction complete--

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