We face annoying situations all the time. Here's a list of 44 things that continuously annoy us every day.
1. Being left on "read".
We are all so guilty of this...
2. When baristas at Starbucks spell your name wrong.
My name is so basic and Starbucks still manages to get it wrong EVERY TIME.
3. Getting ready and your plans get cancelled.
4. When your siblings take things without asking.
I don't know from experience, but apparently it's one of the most annoying things that siblings do. Why can't you just ask?
5. When you have a good hair day, but no plans.
6. Being stuck at home with no plans and all your friends are super busy.
7. People who write a novel on one Snapchat.
I'm sorry but if you post a black screen with sad faces all over it, I'm going to block you and if I see you in person, most likely kick you in the face because you aggravate me that much... Just kidding but you're going to be blocked ASAP!
8. People who take hours to respond and when they do it's a one word response.
9. Trying to make plans but people NEVER answer.
I know that your phone is in your hand or pocket and you can feel it vibrate... PICK UP THE PHONE! You can just say no, I really won't care, believe me.
10. Seeing someone tweet but they didn't answer your text.
I am on social media about 22 hours of the day, you know that I see every move you make. If you want to ignore me, at least try not to make it so noticeable.
11. Getting your period right before you leave for vacation.
12. When people don't answer your questions and you have to ask 18424728 more times.
13. Being cut off while driving.
Swerve in my lane and I will follow you and flip the finger at you, just saying. I do have road rage.
14. Scraping a fork against a plate.
15. People who talk over you and cut you off.
If I actually open my mouth to say something, it's most likely important so it shouldn't be in your best interest to cut me off. I am shy sometimes and I do say things that make sense so wait for me to be finished...
16. Sneezing and people not covering their mouth.
17. Watching somebody chew like a cow.
18. Old people who park halfway in handicap and half in the front row space.
19. People who walk slowly because they're too busy with their phone in their face.
When I used to walk in school, random people would stop dead in the middle of the hallway and text... You really can't wait those three minutes to answer the non-important text you got or move yourself over to the side of the hallway where nobody is?
20. People who don't use the turning signal.
21. Holding the door open for people and they don't respond with "Thank you".
22. People who use "your" instead of "you're".
YOU'RE ACTUALLY ANNOYING. I don't care if you think that I am a grammar Nazi BUT how much more effort does it take to write an apostrophe and two letters? PLEASE EXPLAIN.
23. Friends who copy you; how you walk, how you talk, how you laugh, how you text.
Just no.
24. Girls who can't give other girls a compliment.
This is a huge thing in today's society. Girls don't know how to be nice. Yes, we are all judgmental but why can't you just tell somebody they look good or they have nice hair? Sometimes a compliment can go a very long way.
25. Horrible breath.
26. People who constantly complain (this is me).
I complain about everything even though I know it's super annoying... I'm going to do it anyways but it is a lot of people's biggest pet peeves.
27. When people ride your a** while driving.
Sorry but if I hit my break, you're going to owe me money so maybe you should take it down three notches and relax. Five seconds won't make a difference when getting from destination A to B.
New York drivers suck, hands down. Everyone flashes lights in your eyes meanwhile they don't understand the concept that we could end up getting into a car accident. Is it really worth it?!
29. When people smoke and blow it into your face.
30. When waiters/waitresses take forever to place your order.
Hi... um... I've been here for about 30 minutes and you still haven't asked me what I want to drink? Maybe I should chuck my fork across the restaurant to get your attention next time.
31. Teachers killing you with homework during finals.
32. Cursing every other word isn't cute...
ESPECIALLY GIRLS!!!!! Girls, guys do not find it attractive that you can say every curse in the book. Have some respect for yourself and let them like you for who you are, not because you sound "cool".
33. Really thick eyebrows.
34. People who have weird names... LOL
If your name has more vowels than consonants I probably can't pronounce your name and I will mess it up so badly. Why couldn't your parents be basic like mine?
35. Waiting on long lines.
36. Not being able to commit to anything.
If you tell me you are meeting me at this time at this place, YOU BETTER BE THERE. I don't care what happens, if you make plans with me, you better keep them. Nothing worse then somebody bailing without letting you know.
37. People who talk during movies.
If you want to talk to me, wait until after the movie. I don't want to be "shhhhhh'd" by the people who are actually trying to watch to movie so please do us both a favor, and shut up.
38. When people drive the speed limit from out of state.
PLEASE just hit the gas. A cop will not pull you over until you are swerving in and out of lanes so stop going the speed limit and hit the gas.
39. When the shower water won't get hot in the morning.
40. Realizing that there's no toilet paper.
41. Getting called into work on your day off.
42. When food places or stores have a minimum on debit/credit cards.
Thank you pizza place for making me spend $10 instead of the $2.50 that I wanted to spend on a slice of pizza. Now I need to buy garlic knots, two more slices, a drink and a chair to make my one piece happen.
43. When the workers at the nail salon talk about you in a different language.
I know I bite my nails, I know I have ugly toes, I know my cuticles are all chewed up... You don't need to roast me in your language.
44. Waking up a minute before your alarm clock.
HOW MANY TIMES HAS THIS HAPPENED TO YOU?! This is definitely one of the most annoying things to ever happen and it seems to always happen when you're super exhausted and don't want to wake up in the first place.
I know you can relate to these annoying things that happen to the best of us.