1. You came to college to get an education.
2. You're still allowed to have fun with your friends.
3. The best memories are the ones you can remember.
4. You were beautiful before someone told you.
5. You don't need a flat stomach to find a man that loves you.
6. Loving Jesus means loving people.
7. Loving Jesus also means loving the image you see in the mirror.
8. You aren't too cool to live a life that serves Christ.
9. Just because you sometimes doubt, doesn't mean you don't believe in Jesus.
10. When you walk on scary waters, keep your eyes on Jesus.
11. Stop hiding your emotions.
12. There are so many people in your life that care about you and love you.
13. Your life isn't a mistake. You have purpose.
14. Suicide is never the answer.
15. Saying 'no' is okay.
16. Respect when someone else tells you no.
17. Mistakes are nothing to be ashamed of. Learn from them.
18. Numbers don't define you.
19. That includes your weight.
20. And the number that is your grade.
21. No one cares if you can bench press 200lbs.
22. Your broken heart will be fixed.
23. The only One that can fix a broken heart is the One who created it.
24. Stop texting your ex. They're your ex for a reason.
25. Look for the good in everyone.
26. Pray to see others with the Lord's eyes.
27. Reach out to others with the Lord's hands.
28. Go where the Lord calls you.
29. Find someone who lives you like Jesus does.
30. It's okay to spend nights in, by yourself.
31. Make sure to have nights out with your friends, too.
32. Or, nights in. With your friends. And puppies.
33. If you see a dog, pet it. It will make your day.
34. Stop Pinterest-ing your life and start living it.
35. Never forget what Jesus did for you on the cross.
36. Study.
37. Smile.
38. Study some more.
39. You are tough.
40. You are loved.
41. You will make it through the end of the semester.
42. "The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still." Exodus 14:14