When you live in and work at a summer camp for three months, its hard to adjust to real life. So here is a list of the 42 things you miss after transitioning to real life from summer camp.
1. Your campers.
2. Your staff.
3. The beautiful nature that surrounded you.
4. Surprisingly, the food...I know its weird.
5. The bonfires, there is just something different about having a bonfire at camp than anywhere else.
6. The farmers tan lines, and the shoe tan lines (those were the best).
7. The excessive amount of laughter.
8. The ditty's. Mainly Princess Pat.
9. Table Chants.
10. Emergency Dance Parties, EDP's for short.
11. The adventurous weekends when you finally got to leave camp.
12. Camping out under the stars each week.
13. Zip-lining.
14. The freedom to go swimming everyday.
15. Making crafts with campers.
16. The time killing games you wish your college friends wanted to play.
17. Living in cabins each week.
18. Being disconnected from the outside world because you don't have any wifi.
19. Not having phone service, it was so stress free.
20. Getting to act like a kid again.
21. The contagious smiles of your campers.
22. The fact that it was okay to not match, and truly just wear whatever you had clean.
23. The camper quotes that you probably still say but no one understands but your staff.
24. The immediate chanting that begins when someone says they have something to say.
25. The acceptance from your staff when you drank 4 cups of coffee in a day.
26. Chalking the sidewalks before the campers arrived.
27. Checking in campers for their first week of camp ever.
28. The ridiculous amount of fun you had preforming skits during opening campfire.
29. The simplicity of life at camp.
30. The time spent in the conference room with your staff when your campers went to bed.
31. Staff training, where everything was just awkward and wonderful at the same time.
32. Campers saying that their week at camp was the best week of their life.
33. The joy your campers found in the little things.
34. Camp prom, and just any camp dances in general.
35. The end of week slide shows.
36. The fact that you only knew your staff for three months, but they are some of your closest friends.
37. The excessive amount of hugs without question.
38. The sleepless nights spent up with campers who were sick or scared.
39. The magic of the sunsets.
40. The end of week awards.
41. Tie-dyeing till your hands turned blue.
42. Camp games, mainly Color Explosion.
The more I think about the things I miss from camp the more it makes me appreciate those three months. I could never be more grateful for the summer that I spent at working as a camp counselor.