1. Not everyone is going to like you.
2. That's okay.
3. "High school drama" doesn't always go away.
4. People can be selfish.
5. It is important to take the high road.
6. Gaining weight is not the end of the world.
7. Crying in the mirror staring at your stomach is not going to fix anything.
8. Loving your body that protects you day in and day out will fix everything.
9. Working out is important, but sometimes time flies and that's okay.
10. Sticking to a schedule helps...a lot.
11. Greek life is not full of ditzy blondes and stupid boys with pastel shorts.
12. Greek life is full of amazing, inspiring, dedicated people who care about your well being.
13. It's okay to say no to "Come on! Just one more drink!"
14. It's okay to not want to take a hit from the bong.
15. You need a vacuum.
16. You should bring your laptop charger to class.
17. There is nothing wrong with being a "B" student.
18. Mental health days are very real and very important- just not too many.
19. It's okay to not find your college best friends yet.
20. Spontaneous adventures turn out the be the best.
21. Nothing wrong with going out on a week day- that is assuming you make it to your morning class. ;)
22. Your favorite pair of jeans will most likely not fit you by the end of the year, that's okay.
23. Don't settle.
24. Speak your mind.
25. Stand up when you see something wrong.
26. If there's free food, go.
27. Make time for yourself.
28. Try to make it to church if you're religious.
29. Sometimes, all the answers you need are right in front of you.
30. If he/she doesn't want to be in a relationship- don't waste your time on them anymore.
31. You deserve the best so strive for the best.
32. Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
33. There is no shame in switching majors/ schools.
34. Music heals the soul.
35. Writing in a journal helps relieve a lot of stress.
36. It is okay to cut off toxic friendships.
37. Look for housing early for next year!
38. Wanting alone time does not make you a party pooper.
39. You don't have to go out every week.
40. It's okay to go home often - assuming you're close enough.
41. Tell your parents you love them every day.
42. Everything you do is worth while. Just don't forget to smile.