Do you ever have those days where you're just sad? Maybe it's for a reason, maybe it's completely irrational, maybe it's for no reason at all, but you feel just plain crappy. It's like if someone tells you "good morning" you will actually cry. We all have those, and we all know it can be difficult to snap out of those moods. Here are some things you can do to at least do something other than sit with your moods.
1. Drive
Never underestimate the therapeutic power of driving and listening to really loud music.
2. Put on scented lotion
3. Alphabetize everything
This might actually help your thoughts feel more organized.
4. Text a friend
Feeling connected to others works wonders
5. Take a shower
6. Take a nap
Every college kid's solution to life's problems- and sometimes it actually helps!
7. Do your homework
8. Organize your desk
9. Take a walk
10. Cry
11. Visit a family member
12. Read a book
13. Write in a journal
Looking at something written down sometimes helps with perspective.
14. Bake something
15. Vacuum
Even if you are sad, at least you will be sad in a clean house
16. Volunteer
17, Call a friend and ask them if they want to have a slumber party
-Wine optional
18. Look at old photos
With a friend, if possible.
19. Buy a colorful plant
Water and care for it every day and watch it grow.
20. Watch one of your favorite childhood movies
21. Play with a pet
If you don't have a pet, go to a pet store or animal shelter
22. Listen to music
Music almost always makes a bad day better
23. Look up inspirational quotes
24. Make a to-do list and cross things off as you get them done
25. Or do nothing at all
26. Think about all of the great days that haven't happened yet
-Your wedding, graduation, the birth of your first child, etc.
27. Laugh
28. Reconnect with an old friend
29. Get out of the house
Whether you just step out of your front door or make plans with a friend, you will likely feel better.
30. Write down your life goals
31. Write down one thing you did today to achieve each of those goals
32. Daydream
Let your mind take a vacation
33. Sit in the sunshine
Vitamin D will do you good
34. Sit by water
Find a lake, pond, pool, or puddle
35. Play with a child
36. Paint your nails
37. Wear crazy socks
38. Drink coffee
39. Pick a subject and research it
40. Light candles
41. Rearrange the furniture in your home
42. Believe that sadness is only temporary
Everyone has days when the feel down, but we must remember that sadness will usually fade away. However, we can speed up the process by being active and kind to ourselves.