Anyone who is majoring in nursing understands; it's not easy. Those friends we make during the long, hard days on the floor and during hours of lectures we may or may not pay attention form very special bonds. Often, I find myself having conversations with my fellow nursing compadres that begins with one of the following questions:
1. Have you studied yet?
2. How long did you study for?
3. If I just study the night before do you think I'll be okay?
4. Did you already do the ___? Okay, so like what do I need to know?
5. How bad was that instructor?
6. Don't you just love/hate that instructor?
7. Do you think it will be hard?
8. How many cups of coffee can I drink?
9. Did you cry today?
10. How much did you pay for your textbook?
11. How early are you waking up tomorrow?
12. How late did you stay up last night?
13. How long did that concept map take you?
14. How many ____ meds can I take?
15. Is taking shots while studying a bad idea?
16. Drinking an entire bottle of tequila, bad for your liver, or nah?
17. Why is this so hard?
18. Did you see that hot doctor?
19. Could you actually paying attention during that lecture?
20. What's the normal lab value for (Na, K, HCT, HBG etc..)? No, I mean like for ____'s class?
21. Can you help me?
22. Do you need help?
23. Did you actually count respirations?
24. Can you hear that?
25. Did you SEE that?
26. Did you make it out alive today?
27. Did your patient make it out alive today?
28. Is it bad that I haven't started ___ yet?
29. Did you eat today?
30. Can you remember if I ate today?
31. Is it okay to hold your pee for an entire shift?
32. Does that instructor EVER pee?
33. Are these scrubs too wrinkled to wear?
34. What do you think MY vital signs are?
35. Can I borrow some compression socks?
36. Does that instructor actually let you do stuff?
37. Have you every done ___ before?
38. Wait, like you got to do THAT by yourself?
39. Is this normal? *shows friend skin abnormality, asks about bowel movement, or smell/color of own urine*
40. How do you convert that to miligrams?
41. Do you think we'll actually make it?
42. Why do we love this so much?