14. Having no homework | The Odyssey Online
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42 Actions That Will Leave You Smiling For The Rest Of The Day

Who doesn't love finding money in their jean's pocket?

Unsplash / Clarke Sanders

You know how people always say it's the little things that matter? It's true, also. Those little things feel like the best things in the world. They could be something personal to you or something that is a common ground for everyone, but no matter what, they just leave you feeling immensely satisfied. There are so many things and it all just depends on the person and what their interests are. I tried thinking of some that could relate to the majority, but everyone's different and have different interests.

1. A nice hug


2. Laughing so hard you can't breathe

3. Having someone with you while watching a scary film

4. Making someone laugh


5. Singing your heart out to a song with friends

6. Finding money in your pocket

7. Listening to your favorite music


8. Seeing stars in a clear sky

9. Long phone/FaceTime calls

10. Sleepovers

11. Receiving compliments from strangers

12. Coming back from a nice run/work out

13. Finishing packing/unpacking for a trip


14. Having no homework

15. Finally able to fall asleep/sleeping after a long day

16. Being liked back in general


17. Doing well on a test you thought you failed

18. Unexpected gifts

19. Looking back at old photos


20. Eating food you've been craving

21. Blasting music in the car

22. Feeling the wind while driving


23. Feeling important and wanted

24. Reading while it's raining

25. Cuddling under a cozy blanket when cold


26. When you finish all you work and still have time to do whatever you want

27. Riding a roller coaster

28. Someone playing with your hair

29. Waking up and realizing it's a weekend or you have an entire day free

30. Jumping into a pool on a hot day

31. Standing while it's snowing/raining and letting it fall on you feeling cold splashes on your face

32. Taking the perfect photo

33. Stolen glances/silent talks with eyes with someone

34. Sunsets/sunrises

35. Being happy for no reason


36. Finishing a project you've been working on for a long time

37. When you get results you've been hoping for

38. Achieving a new score

39. Scared when traveling somewhere high, but then the view is worth it

40. When you finish reading a book and then you sit quietly taking it all in, already missing everything about it


41. Laying down on the grass and feeling the warmth of the sun

42. Someone tells you that they are proud of you

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