Have you ever wanted to be supremely loquacious? Are you now looking up what loquacious means? Here are words and sayings that get past all the jiggery-pokery of the english language, sure to discombobulate all of your friends and add to the verisimilitude of your intelligence.
1. Accoutrements
2. Alas
expression of greif, pity, or concern
3. Anomalistic
related to an anomaly
4. Assiduous
showing great care and perseverance
5. Asservate
to affirm or declare positively
6. Aspiration
a hope or ambition of achieving something
7. Auspicious
conducive to success; favorable
8. Atrocious
horrifyingly wicked
9. Baffling
impossible to understand; perplexing
10. Bellwether
a leader, first in class, and ahead of the rest
11. Cupidity
eager or excessive desire; greed
12. Cynosure
an object at the focal point of attention
13. Dispondent
low spirits from loss of hope or courage
14. Demiurgic
15. Desultory
ccurring randomly or occasionally; lacking a plan or purpose
16. Ebullient
cheerful and full of energy
17. Ergo
18. Equanimity
mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation
19. Excogitate
think out, plan, or devise
20. Forsooth
21. Garrison
fortified strong hold; home
22. Gasconading
extravagant, boastful
23. Gobs
a lot
24. Transcendent
surpassing the ordinary; exceptional
25. Incogitable
crazy, wack
26. Idiosyncratic
peculiar or individual
27. Incorrigible
not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed
28. Indubitable
29. Jocular
fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful
30. Lateritous
31. Loathe
32. Luminescent
lighted up or illuminated
33. Lummox
a clumsy, stupid person
34. Magnanimous
very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself
35. Opined
hold and state as one's opinion
36. Paragon
a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality; model of excellence
37. Parsimonious
unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal; penny-pinch
38. Perfidiousnesser
deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful
39. Piquant
having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor
40. Saxicolous
living under a rock
41. Unencumbered
not having any burden or impediment
You are welcome English teachers everywhere, for turning your students into sesquipedalian people.